“The last thing we need is nuclear physicist Denise Richards.” How Natalie Portman warned Kenneth Branagh and entered the Marvel universe

Branagh wants to incorporate his Shakespearean obsession into the MCU and incorporate some canonical comic book elements from time to time.

Perhaps of all the first films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor Kenneth Branagh if it received the highest praise from the public and critics. The British apogee, as you might expect, was quite special. I’m ready to accept Shakespeare’s tragedy, and this is not what is happening to the whole world; but this led to the creation of the ideal investigative department.

Physics and hammers with rare names

The most surprising character of the film was not only the main character and his treacherous man, played by Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, who ultimately consumed their characters. Natalie Portman, who, after declaring her love for Branagh to co-writer Zack Stenz from the first moment.

As recognized by Vanity Fair el extract book “MCU: Reign of Marvel Studios”, which hints at the theme:

“I was very impressed with her, not in a romantic sense, but because of her intelligence. Jane is physical and we needed someone who could convey that intelligence. It was the one who brought her attention to her. I say, forgive me, “This is the last time we need nuclear physicist Denise Richards.”

What exactly did Branagh mean by Denise Richards’ chascarillo? In Thor, Portman gives life to Jane Foster, a doctoral student in particle physics. Por su parte, Richards starred in the 1999 Bond adventure film The World Is Never Enough.where she studied nuclear physics, which helped her receive a Razzie Award nomination.

But Stenz wasn’t just discussing the casting of the belt. The writer also told a funny anecdote illustrating the director’s desire to change the fundamental aspects of the comic it’s time to translate it into cinematic media.

“One of my most vivid memories of these sections of notes was that Bran didn’t like the name Mjolnir because it was hard to pronounce. He turned to us and asked, “Shall we call the hammer Mjolnir?” made of metal called “Uru”. Can we call it Uru? “Or will the fans love me?” Kevin (Feige) just smiled a little, “Ken, the fans are going to love you.” “De acuerdo, entonces no lo haremos.”

Finally, Kenneth Branagh gave us a new approach. the essence of William Shakespeare’s workthis time with caps and superpowers, and here are their reasons:

“If actors stay serious, they are passionate and very intense. This observation of ordinary human weaknesses, even if Gods, in people with power is an obsession of great storytellers, including Shakespeare and the Marvel Universe.” Shakespeare was interested in the lives of real medieval families, but also returned to Roman and Greek myths for the same purpose. I believe Stan Lee was a myth that Shakespeare never exploited.”

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