The latest fashion in Bilbao?Stress Relieving Salt Cave

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 6:14 pm

In Bilbao you can already breathe salt. The last thing was the salt cave. How they heard it. They look absolutely spectacular. It seems as if one is suddenly immersed in a kind of igloo. And, according to those responsible, they are very beneficial to health.

The Bilbao Salt Room replicates the salty environment of the beach, allowing customers to relax and unwind. As? Phototherapy services are available at 4 Hero Street. What is light therapy? It is a complementary natural therapy that reproduces the “existing microclimate” within an underground salt mine using a halogenator device that expands the particles of 100% natural rock salt.

This health and well-being space is designed to treat respiratory and skin conditions. Bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis, sinusitis, colds and the common flu are some of the conditions treated, but they also treat side effects caused by smoking, snoring, atopic dermatitis, anti-acne treatments, psoriasis, otitis media…. ..

The center combines the effects of a spa with those of a “top-quality” treatment center using the latest technology, said center director Lilian Patricia Rojas. The caves are also recommended to address stress and fatigue issues in athletes and improve lung function.

How to improve sports performance? “Strengthen your immune system,” Rojas stresses. Experts also defended the benefits of these sessions to “guarantee the beauty and health of the skin”. They believed that salt had many properties. It kills bacteria, eliminates germs, and eliminates inflammation of the respiratory tract and skin. What exactly is salt used for, when it has so many uses? “It is a natural bactericide that kills viruses through dehydration,” the expert defends.

Also suitable for children

With so many healing properties, it is only a matter of time before the first equipment with these properties will arrive in the capital of Biscay. The caves put children with respiratory problems in the spotlight. “The poor quality of the air we breathe, coupled with the proliferation of viruses and bacteria, weakens our health. These facilities – a highlight of Roxas – help prevent and control symptoms while playing or relaxing. “Through this Ways we try to reduce drug use. “

Halo therapy is a “very effective and new” natural treatment in Spain, although it is common in Europe, especially Russia. It is approved as a clinical treatment in the United States, Canada, Italy and the United Kingdom.

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