The most common sequelae after stroke

in Spain, 361,500 people suffer brain damage from stroke, according to INE’s latest Disability, Personal Autonomy and Dependency Survey.Damage that can cause damage over a wide area as a result of.

Also called a stroke, a stroke occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced.

inside ischemic strokeIn about 80% of cases, blood clots form in the blood vessels of the head, restricting the blood supply to the brain. A cerebrovascular hemorrhage accident It’s usually more serious and involves the rupture of blood vessels, causing bleeding in the brain.

Therefore, this is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. One in four Spaniards is destined to suffer throughout their lives.At least 15% of them died, approx. 30% are still functionally dependentReported by the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN).

most common consequences

Stroke can result in physical, cognitive, or psychological consequences and complications.Even after recovery, secondary disabilities may remain, affecting movement, coordination or control”, they issued a warning from Valhebron Hospital.

Two weeks after a stroke, more than 60% of patients require help with activities of daily living, and 70%-80% of patients have difficulty moving half of their body (hemiplegia). 80% walking problems, 60%-70% some type of visual defect, 55% difficulty speaking, 40% depression, 20%-30% aphasia, 15%-35% dysphagia and 10%-20% according to Spanish 2005 According to research, memory has recently changed.

The most common exercise sequelae include Lack of coordination, weakness, and partial lack of voluntary movement Loss of motor function listed by the Neurorehabilitation Institute.

At the same time, loss of physical mobility (such as hemiplegia) has a direct impact on the patient’s health because Reduced muscle mass and therefore strength. The ability to walk is also affected, where possible “oxygen consumption is higher over short distances and speed is reduced”.

others Common sequelae after stroke According to the American Heart Association, they are:

  • Thrombosis or deep vein thrombosis
  • Brain edema
  • Depression and other mood swings
  • Aphasia and other speech disorders
  • involuntary muscle tension or spasm
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI) and/or bladder control
  • Epileptic seizures due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain
  • Shoulder pain: lack of support in the arm due to weakness or paralysis

Main factors affecting scope sequelae of stroke is its initial gravity. According to the Barcelona Clinic, this is affected by the size of the blocked artery and the area of ​​the brain that is damaged.

The age of the patient is also decisive, as the ability to recover over the years is usually limited.It is also possible to have other diseases Complicating post-stroke evolution, qualified from the clinic.

How to recognize a stroke

Recognizing a stroke as quickly as possible is key not only to survival, but also to minimizing subsequent consequences. Because the longer a certain area of ​​the brain goes without blood flow, the greater the consequences.

this warning symptoms These include arm weakness, difficulty speaking, loss of facial control, vision loss, or severe headaches. If only one of these occurs, you should call the emergency room. Even if they start to fade.

Receive care at a medical center located in first 6 hours The Clinical University of Navarra (CUN) estimates that complications can be reduced by 25% to 30%.

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