The most common things to do based on blood type

The ABO blood group system (method of classifying blood groups) was invented in 1930 by Karl Landsteiner, who even won the Nobel Prize for Virtue.

Knowing which blood type is important when receiving blood is important because any incompatibility can lead to immune system reactions such as kidney failure, blood clotting, and death of the recipient.

Such incidents have decreased with advances in medicine and advanced technological tools, but research in recent years has shown a link between a person’s blood type and the likelihood of contracting certain diseases or conditions.

The relationship between blood types and diseases:

O blood type

  • Reduce risk of coronary heart disease
  • Longer life expectancy: Experts believe they are at risk of heart disease
  • Blood type makes it harder for malaria parasites to attach to cells, researchers say
  • People with type O blood may be more susceptible to peptic ulcers (open sores in the stomach) in their upper gastrointestinal tract.
  • Women with lower egg counts more likely than others to have type O blood; investigation still inconclusive
  • Type A and O people are more likely to develop some rheumatic diseases

Blood types A, AB and B

  • A, AB and B – Gastric cancer: These groups have a higher risk than type O gastric cancer. Experts say it can be caused by Helicobacter pylori, but most commonly type A does not bleed.
  • A, AB, and B – Pancreatic cancer: The risk is highest in this group once the two types of red blood cells, type A and type B, help H. pylori grow
  • Type A and O people are more likely to develop some rheumatic diseases
  • A – Higher stress levels
  • AB – Memory problems or dementia: those most at risk for these conditions
  • AB – Type 2 diabetes rates may be higher depending on blood type, but investigations remain inconclusive
  • A, AB and B – Blood clots: Studies show venous thromboembolism (VTE) is more common in people with type A, B or AB
  • AB – Stroke: Professionals believe this may occur because this blood type clots more easily than others.
  • AB – Lupus: Study shows autoimmune disease may cause more severe symptoms in people with this blood type than in people with other blood types
  • Type A and B – Multiple sclerosis (MS): Survey shows people with types A and B are most at risk of developing the disease

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