The most surprising and unknown features of car keys

The most surprising and unknown features of car keysfree drawing

this skill improved They are constantly integrated into the automotive world to facilitate drivers’ movements, improve their safety, expand and improve the functionality of certain elements, and simplify certain processes and behaviors while driving or before taking to the road.

this key They are one of the fastest growing elements in recent years. Their original function, to open the car and start the engine, is still basic, but technology has given them many surprising capabilities that drivers may not be aware of.

Very old models use classic metal keys, but most current cars already use them as a means of entering the vehicle, without having to remove the key when starting or simply inserting it into the starter to close the door. That is, a functional remote control.

There are even some high-end, luxury cars and even some cars with high-tech features key cleverPerform functions more relevant to comfort elements that can be activated via remote control.

However, if your car is not from the latest generation or from the segment under the buttons, they often have some features and button combinations that you may not be aware of and can perform some shortcuts. Function interesting. But keep in mind that not all models are available with these tricks, and you should check your car’s manual or ask your dealer if these features are enabled.

Advanced keyless functionality

Most car keys are KeylessThat is, they have the ability to turn the car on and off if you are within a reasonable distance. The most modern or high-end ones even allow opening and closing when approaching or leaving without having to press any buttons.

Manually open

While it’s obvious, there could be something wrong with your key, or it may be dead (for which you just replace the internal pins), and you don’t know how to react. Such unforeseen events often change our plans and make us so nervous that we don’t remember that many keys have a key built into them. sprat or a metal key that allows you to open and (in some cases) start your car, and is a very useful emergency solution.

open the window

To ventilate the car before entering, especially in hot areas or in summer, you can automatically open the windows by pressing and holding the open button on the remote control for a few seconds.

Likewise, doing the same thing but with the close button causes all windows to rise at the same time.

Open driver’s door only

This is probably the least known feature of car keys, as it’s not that common in all car models. This combination allows only the driver’s door to be opened if the open and close buttons are pressed simultaneously.

Open tailgate only

Many keys already have this feature integrated, but out of preference or ignorance, some users are unaware of this feature and operate it manually by approaching the trunk and lifting the tailgate.

Account opening deposit

Likewise, while most cars have this combined with central locking, there are also keys that can open and close the fuel tank independently.

Buttons with display

Very high-end brand lines such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi or luxury brands have been offering you fancy keys for years, which are actually a display device, larger than a standard key, but with a small built-in screen. It allows you to view different types of information about your car, control certain functions, and even be used for remote parking.

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