The peak flu season in Córdoba is expected to be late December or early January

he Peak influenza (Maximum number of cases) expected Late December or early January Cordoba and in andalusia According to news from the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) on Wednesday. SAS appeals to the people of Córdoba, on the one hand, Flu vaccineon the other hand, coronavirus disease vaccine, Come and receive relevant immunizations Avoid possible consequences of infection Stop the spread of both viruses or minimize their impact if they are contagious.

These same SAS sources note To date, 158,133 Córdobans have been vaccinated against influenza, accounting for 55.5% of potential beneficiaries, lor that place As the second province in Andalusia with the highest vaccination coverage, Cordoba Second only to Hahn, reaching 56.6%.

In itself, So far, 105,614 Cordovans have been vaccinated against COVID-19. 41% of likely recipients. This data makes Cordoba the province with the highest number of COVID-19 vaccinations in Andalusia, with Jaén in second place, accounting for 38.6%.

A child is getting a flu shot. Oscar Barionuevo

As for Children 6 to 69 months, They are also at high risk for the flu vaccine, with 46.1% of children of the same age in Córdoba having received a preventive dose, The highest proportion among Andalusian provinces, Followed by Hahn, accounting for 43.5%.

Vaccination campaign to continue after Christmas

SAS sources stressed that Flu and coronavirus vaccination campaigns to continue until after Christmastaking into account the above, it is expected that the highest number of cases will be recorded on these specific dates.

SAS recalls, although no longer Pandemic As far as COVID-19 is concerned, the virus is still here and has not gone away; although Influenza viruses circulate every year, Especially affects high-risk groups (the elderly, people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, social health professionals and others).

Flu and COVID-19 testing. AJ Gonzalez

The Directorate of Health of Andalusia emphasizes that the target group is those over 60 years old, which is the largest group to be vaccinated, since the older you are, the greater the risk, and that appointments can be made through different request methods provided by SAS, and “People who suffer from diabeteshigh blood pressure or neurological disease,” in which case they must see a doctor for a prescription for vaccination.

During this event, the health department will also work withAlthough this vaccination will start in December, it will be targeted at high-risk groups and smokers.”. Smokers must be at least 18 years old, and their inclusion in the vaccine is to avoid possible complications after contracting the virus.

Container with flu vaccine. Manuel Murillo

Andalusia data

In Andalusia, more than 1.3 million people have been vaccinated against influenza and COVID-19, 1,349,922 of them, 80,661 of whom are children between 6 and 59 months old, a coverage rate of 29.9%. Among the elderly over 60 years old, 60% have received the influenza vaccine, while the vaccination rate for the new crown vaccine is 33.7%; among the elderly over the age of 85, 66% have received the influenza vaccine, and 52.6% have received the new crown vaccine. vaccine. Nursing homes have the highest rate of flu vaccinations, with 90.4% of beneficiariesIn the case of coronavirus vaccines, the figure reaches 81.5%.

quadrivalent influenza vaccine

The Andalusian health system is using the quadrivalent influenza vaccine, That is They cover two A strains and two B strains of the virus, Therefore, they are the most complete available and therefore offer better protection and far as you are concernedAvailable COVID-19 vaccines In this campaign they used a variant currently popular in Spain (Omicron XBB.1.5).

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