The person in charge of the nursing home assured that the elderly “are always cared for and accompanied.”

We’ll know this Monday Two elderly people died who lives in Esquel Geriatric Hospital. From this fact and After receiving complaints from doctors at the city hospital, A criminal investigation was launched, triggering a series of raids.

At a press conference, Miriam, Nancy and Berta Jara, Nursing home manager They pointed out that there are My grandparents have been suffering from gastroenteritis for a few days.. To this end, “they are supervised and seen by a private physician.”

From there, they show Work with home nurses to provide appropriate care for the elderly.However, they pointed out They couldn’t find a doctor to go there over the long weekendso they went to the hospital security office.

They said that even Some private doctors told them that they would not be able to see patients for the next few they were told to call 107 if there was any emergency.

they clarified “They are always cared for and accompanied by nursing home caregivers and family members.”. However, the surgery was performed considering the health condition of the elderly, who went to the hospital security office.

Regarding the doctor who appeared at the scene, the person in charge of the home said, Professionals say he won’t take any elderly people.

In view of the doctor’s expression, they said A relative told him he was preparing to file a complaint for desertion of the man.. For this reason, “the doctor gave an order and they began to treat bedridden elderly people.”

At a press conference, a director of the nursing home insisted that the doctor’s visit to the facility was disrespectful and “said he was going to report us and close the facility.”

Additionally, according to his statement, the doctor said “he was tired of these asylums because all they did was give the guards jobs.”

‘The reputational damage caused by complaints from doctors is very serious’

In the case of Andres Diaz and Beatrice Perez, Relatives of some elderly people living at home spoke on this issue. in principle, They value the work and humanistic qualities of nursing home directors.

In this context, they stated that “The reputational damage caused by doctor complaints is great Because they also start to prejudge family members. “

Later, they said that when hospital guards went to the home last Sunday, “they didn’t want to take away an adult who was in critical condition.”

In view of this, they stated that “It’s not worth it for grandparents to be left last”And they are not a priority in health care.

Finally, they noted that “everything is in order” at home, but the problem is “they don’t have a regular doctor.”

Relatives of elderly residents

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