The Prince of Bel Air Is Back on TV: But the Remake Is Not What It Seems

in that infinite universe TV series It’s impossible (or nearly) impossible for Americans to visually navigate a world where supply exceeds demand. Between “live” channels, paid or inside Stream Such is the illusion that keeping up with all the news is a real challenge. In fact, it happens that many (perhaps too many) TV series go unnoticed to the detriment of others, preventing those who deserve to emerge in a context that is too congested for the time being. in which we are living. For example, in Italy few people know bel air, Airing in the States for two seasons on the Peacock Online Channel (owned by NBC), the series is available on Sky in our country and is streaming on OnNow, where all ten episodes that make up the series were recently uploaded . Second story arc. slyly passed between the two special journals compared to social networks, where there are very few trend discussion, the series deserves all our support because, in the web of expectations, it is the only series that has been able to draw an outline (vague and vague) generation Contemporary.

peculiarity not to be overlooked, in the stars-and-stripes serial panorama, small screen shows are rare that can be a story biased The reality we live in. But, there is a reason most people have mistreated this series. bel air It’s an original series but it’s a reboot of it in every waysitcom of the same name Which launched Will Smith into the sky of stars in the 90s. In the new version, the series loses its comedy and acquires an intergenerational drama aura that leaves a mark. The series works, which is very rare for such a product, and is convincing precisely because it has replaced Meaning But not his soul. So much so that there is already talk of a third season in the US.

bel air nut is no more

As already mentioned, the series survives thanks to famous comedy Since the 90’s. This isn’t the first experiment spawned by “remake fever” (and it certainly won’t be the last), but if other cult series that have returned to TV with a new look subvert the original essence Is, bel air She stays true to herself and the story she tells. In fact, as can be seen from the first run of the pilot (and from the rest of the episodes), the show proposes the same plot without losing its identity: that is, telling the passage. to adulthood of a young black boy. And those who have seen the original series know who the protagonist is up against. Will is a young girl basketball promisegrew up in a Philadelphia suburb, who at one point in his life finds himself embroiled in a “war” the gang and petty criminals. To protect him, Will’s mother believes the only option is to keep her son as far away from Philadelphia as possible, and she enlists Vivian’s help to do so. The woman, Will’s mother’s sister, married a lawyer and now lives in Bel Air, a wealthy area of ​​Los Angeles. Overnight, the boy is shipped to California, and here he will encounter a world very different from the one he came from and, trying to survive in a prosperous but danger-filled reality, must integrate. Gotta find a way.

an experiment that convinces

We’re definitely not talking about any masterpiece. bel air It was born as a teen-drama and those who have already had the opportunity to watch similar projects know very well what they are facing. In fact, the series retains all classic cliche The genre without ever going beyond its horizons, but precisely for that reason the experiment is convincing in its own right. It is in rhythm, which is always dynamic and engaging; it is insidenarrative plot which starts with a very basic plot and then expands its range of action; It’s also in the choice of characters – both primary and co-protagonists – being able to reflect those who appear in the classic series, but at the same time, being able to tell something new about them; and it’s awesome to watchbel air give to the world teenagers, And, in addition to highlighting how difficult it is to be a child in a world that always demands more, the series also opens up a parenthesis on the world and world of adults.high society California with its troubles and rituals. a functional framework. An enigma of ideas that has a reason to exist.

A look at our contemporary

Earlier we met a will with completely different characters from the will Bel Air. In the past he was a boy always ready, impulsive and immature, However, it has been decided to show a completely different character here. This ain’t no caricature, it knows it’s a caricature Second Chance And being able to write your future with your own hands. Turning comedy into drama is no easy task bel air wins a challenge that was thought to be lost from the start, because, in addition to recounting young Will’s development, it paints a fresh and uninhibited (but not at all pornographic) picture of the times we live in. Are. Highlighting all the beauties as well as the contrasts current company, And he does it without any false reputation, with the help of impressive and very engaging writing.


But first there was the Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Known around the world for its simple irony, Willie, The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air It was this sit-com (as they were called at the time) that distinguished Will Smith as an actor, even before dramatic roles and popularity. The first episode aired in September 1990 and immediately became a huge success among the public. So much so that the show ran for six seasons till May 1996. In Italy the event was significant and was in full swing. frenzy from the American series. It is Italia Uno that aired the episodes, but since 1993, then increasingly became the flagship for our channels, gathering consensus one after the other, even in reruns. Currently, the series is on Warner TV. The theme song was written and performed by Smith himself. There are two versions of the Italian version. the first in which the protagonist sings “Black Willie, the fresh nut of Bel-Air” and the second in which he refers to himself as “Prince Willie, the fresh nut of Bel-Air”.

sitcom that becomes a drama

There is a change in tone for the new series, which tends to be dramatic and – at times – a bit dark, but does not differ too much from the initial project. The story is the same, but its premise is told without that silly but effective irony of the ’90s. In fact, despite “our” bequest, Auntie Vivien’s being delivered to Bel Air, all aspects of the plot have been updated and told with more realism. From Uncle Phil, the lawyer running for District Attorney, to the personal stories of cousins ​​Carlton, Hilary, and Ashley. And there’s also the beloved Jazz, a taxi driver in the new version who becomes Will’s first true friend. This new system is reassuring. The Uncle Phil storyline, for example, adds political aspects and professional tensions to the story that were not in the original.

This project was born thanks to a trailer on youtube

Today’s “New” Series bel air There is a small phenomenon of the network. It is produced by Will Smith himself and produced by Morgan Cooper. However, before it lands on TV, there’s a background Very few people know him. It was born not as a meeting to exploit an already known brand, but from a Video on youtube. On March 10th, 2019 short films writer Morgan Cooper uploaded a fake trailer of a series – which didn’t exist – and which was named accurately bel air and it was kind of a parody Dramatic of the famous sitcom. A game that has gone viral. Will Smith saw the video and decided to fight to turn the short film into an actual TV series.

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