The proposal will benefit player health and performance in the stadium

After a tragic injury Aaron Rodgers inside National Football League A new debate has begun, with the announcement on Wednesday that the president of the Players Association (NFL), Lloyd HowellHe proposes the elimination of the synthetic realm.

inside NFLIt has always been tasked with protecting players, so it will seek to persuade the league to let the 32 stadiums replace their respective turfs to reduce the number of injuries.

Lloyd Howell Make a statement calling for all NFL stadiums to have natural turf. Some venues already have it, but there are others that have it combined.

“All fields must be converted to high-quality natural turf. We know this change will require investment, but if we continue to lose our best players to unnecessary injuries, the cost will be even greater. This is something the NFL can make The simplest decision,” read the statement.

NFLPA issues statement calling for stadium replacement

NFL players prefer natural grass

Many times, players National Football League They have stated that they prefer playing on natural grass due to injuries that occur on synthetic surfaces.

“The vast majority of players prefer natural turf, and the data clearly shows it is safer than artificial turf. This question has been the number one question from players during my visits to every team, and I have raised it with the NFL , ” He said. Lloyd Howell, He insisted the request should be made from now on, as some venues will host the 2026 World Cup.

“It makes no sense to replace stadiums with natural turf when the World Cup comes, and artificial turf continues to impact our players. It is worthwhile investing and changing now,” he concluded.

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