The richest girl in the world, here’s who she is and how much money she has

This is not an Arab princess and not the daughter of an oil magnate, the richest girl in the world is a daughter William AND KatePrincess Charlotte. A news that left everyone speechless, because the calculation is not based on the little girl’s real estate, which is very large anyway, but on the value that her image alone brings to the country’s national economy, which, combined with “more materials”, including jewelry and parental inheritance, would amount to an exorbitant figure of 3.6 billion pounds, which is almost 4.2 billion euros.

Because she is a rich girl

Not bad for her, who at 8 certainly has no idea and clearly doesn’t need to know how much she owns and how to use this river of money, but she did the math for her. Electric driving carsa British electric toy car company that conducted a study of the richest kids in the world and found that it was actually her and not her little brother. Louis and eldest, heir to the throne, George.

How is your net worth calculated

The value of his assets, again according to the study, is tied to his mother, Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, who continues to be a major influence on the national economy. Thus, we are talking about income due to the impact of her image, as we have already mentioned, on the turnover associated with products for which Charlotte can be considered a reference certificate. Decrease in cost by 12% at the beginning of 2023 compared to the previous year due to the general economic crisis; but still surpasses all the rich peers of the globe whom she forced to become a granddaughter King Charles III golden child.

Influential Women of Windsor

If you look at the British crown, the first thing that catches your eye is really the women. Beginning with Queen Elizabethto switch to Diana and ends at Kate. In three real strength, a tsunami of elegant hats, regal gestures and, in the case of Diana, a great heritage of feelings, to which is now added Charlottewho has become a small role model. Always flawless with her retro dresses, perfect braids, dosed smile. She was trusted to manage her brother Louis’ tantrums on formal occasions, and it was she, along with her father William, who sent the message of good luck. Lionesses For Women’s European Football Championship. His image in the stands of Wimbledon has become iconic to this day, watching the tennis tournament in trendy sunglasses with complete ease.

And all this creates a business. The clothes she wears are sold out, as are the accessories. There are countless magazine covers dedicated to her by newspapers from all over the world as a model of a real royal family that are sold out. She didn’t stumble like her brothers, even when she was little, and Kate’s mom held her back perfectly in a red coat and matching shoes on her first day of school. In short, “she” is a product that sells, if we want to be a little cynical, since she is still a child.

Other golden children

His brother George, still the heir to the throne, is in second place, forced to be content with 2 and a half billion. On the third place Valentina Paloma Pinofifteen-year-old daughter of an actress Salma Hayek and entrepreneur Francois Henri Pinault, from one and a half billion pounds. Following the fourth Jacques Grimaldi8 years old son Albert AND Charleneas well as the heir to the Monegasque throne, with 800 million. In fifth place is sixteen Suridaughter Tom Cruise AND Katie Holmesfrom 653 million Blue Ivy Carter11 year old daughter beyoncé AND Jay ZAND northwest9 years old, daughter Kim Kardashian AND Kanye West, in seventh and eighth place. In ninth place are Vlad and Niki, two brothers who live in the US and make videos while they enjoy trying out their new toys, and in tenth place are Max and Emma Maribel Muñiz, twins born from the relationship between Jennifer Lopez and the actor. Mark Anthony.

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