The ridiculous fad of vaping

Wednesday, August 30, 2023 – 10:34 am

They contain toxic substances and may even cause cancer.

If you think vaping is better than smoking, think again. Your health is also at risk because they contain toxic substances that may even cause cancer.

Despite the dangers of these e-cigarettes, the “boom” of these products in China five years ago attracted more and more young people.

Their different shapes, sizes, colours, light and taste make them seem harmless, but in reality they are capable of damaging not only the lungs of the consumer, but the entire organism of the consumer.

If your kids are underage and are into the “vaping fad,” pay close attention because the Ministry of Health (MINSA) has banned the device for a reason.

Studies have shown that the smoke liquid and spices of these cigarettes contain toxic substances. Additionally, they can lead to addiction.

Carolina Vanega, member of the MINSA Health Promotion Agency and National Tobacco Control Council, reported that the liquids in the devices contained nicotine, lead and even acetylene, while the flavorings contained diacetyl.

Be careful, according to experts, the last substance can get into the lungs and cause chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In addition, burns can occur.

Vanega explained that the battery used in the device has a certain lifespan, and after multiple uses there is a risk of the device overheating and exploding, causing third-degree burns, usually to the face. “This has happened in other countries as well,” he said.

The electronic devices contain nicotine, an addictive substance that leaves young people unable to control how they vape. There is as much nicotine in a cigarette as every ten puffs.

Vanega also highlighted that these devices, promoted through social networks, are often used by young people to use marijuana and other types of drugs, further fueling addiction.

He emphasized that e-cigarettes can affect people next to smokers because the toxic substances and particles of e-cigarettes are small and can reach the lungs faster.

Experts have urged people not to consume these products and condemned the sale of these illegal products.

The consumption rate of e-cigarettes in Panama is 6.4%

We are the seventh top country in the Americas region and we are working hard to continue to reduce consumption,” Vanega emphasized.


The country’s implemented strategy to reduce tobacco consumption includes active smoking prevention campaigns in 15 health districts, advertising campaigns for smoke-free environments, and the operation of 56 smoking cessation clinics. These are free.

Panama was one of the first countries to ratify the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which entered into force in 2005. “The first country in the region to be considered a smoke-free tobacco area, as Panama has a prevalence of 5 percent,” Vanega said.

The fight to reduce this prevalence continues and the country still has regions with high traditional cigarette consumption, such as the Ngäbe Buglé region, Guna Yala and Bocas del Toro provinces.

Another initiative underway, Vanega said, is updating the youth tobacco survey at the national level, with the aim of understanding our country’s youth smoking population and thereby providing guidance for conducting more effective surveys. Activities to reduce consumption.

The data, due to be released next year, will update the Fourth World Youth Tobacco Survey conducted in Panama, which showed a prevalence rate of 7.8% among young people aged 13 to 15…then, 20096 2017 students.
Note that smoking is associated with damage such as stroke, non-communicable diseases such as myocardial infarction, and high blood pressure.

Vanega warned that smoking causes 1,500 injuries a year, costing the state $416 million.

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