The secrets of the Oscars, the gags about Rihanna and Tom Cruise that we have not heard, the Lady Gaga saga I Sky TG24

From host Jimmy Kimmel’s monologue, to Lady Gaga’s unexpected performance, to Will Smith’s slap jokes on Chris Rock, here’s all the inside story of the 95th film awards ceremony

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There 95th Academy Awards Ceremony (DISCOVER ALL THE WINNERS), celebrated last March 12 at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, could not but conceal background And last minute schedule changes. From monologue of the conductor Jimmy Kimmel, who chose the definitive text only a few minutes before the start of the night of the stars. “We had two versions of the monologue” explained a variety Molly McNearney, executive producer of the talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live and presenter’s wife, “one if Rihanna had been in her place, one if she hadn’t been in her place. One if Rihanna had her baby in her womb, which she wanted to do. And one if her baby wasn’t in her womb. A lot of our jokes were pretty much at the mercy of people being in their seats.” Kimmel made his debut on stage with a parachute: “As they were pulling Jimmy up that harness for the opening, we were yelling at him:“ Rihanna is not in her place! We’re going to fit the hunchback!” Even the great absentee Tom Cruise conditioned the conductor’s monologue. “Jimmy loves Tom. Tom had just been to the show the week before. And they talked about seeing each other and Jimmy was excited to tell him we had real Navy pilots to fly over the top of the Oscars. Jimmy was really disappointed he didn’t come”. According to some sources, the actor chose not to participate in the ceremony due to rumors, later denied, according to which Judd Apatow, who had made nasty jokes at the DGA Awards, would have assisted Kimmel for the monologue. “Jimmy tends to send his monologue to a bunch of people he trusts, comedy writers and comedians,” McNearney explained. “They don’t help with the monologue. They just tell him if that joke works, if that joke doesn’t work. No, Judd wasn’t writing or doing anything for the monologue.” The producer he also excluded from the speech the presence of jokes about the cult of Scientologyfollowed by Cruise, and actually stated that Kimmel would uniquely honor the actor’s role in the film industry: ‘We were so disappointed when we learned a few days before the Oscars that he wouldn’t be here. Jimmy loves him and really wanted to celebrate him.’ In the monologue, Kimmel then chose to balance the jokes among the films best known by the audience at home, such as Top Gun: Maverick And Avatar: The Way of Waterand those most viewed by the people in the room, such as Tar. “It’s really hard because the jokes that would go really well with people in the industry, people at home don’t know what you’re talking about. You have to try to please both audiences at the same time, which is a balancing act for sure.” ” In general, the conductor opted for the simplicity and addressed several jokes to those present in the room. “I think it went well, but it was risky for us,” McNearney said. “And we wrote, I think, 17 bar cycles. I mean, we have piles and piles of jokes that will never be seen“.



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Among the last minute news, it also arrived on Friday afternoon confirmation of Lady Gaga’s performance in Hold My Handthe excerpt from Top Gun: Maverick and nominated for Best Song. “He’s making a really high-profile movie now (next Joker). So, it’s kind of hard to just drop everything and come perform at the Oscars, especially when you’re an icon like Lady Gaga,” said Rob Mills, alternate head of Walt Disney TV. Yet, on the night of the Oscars, the pop star enchanted the audience with an essential performance in jeans and a T-shirt. “The irony though is that she didn’t have much time to think about it and she committed herself a day or two before the show, otherwise I don’t know if she would have done something so stark. It was very memorable”.



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Kimmel also double-checked the correct pronunciation of Rihanna’s name because, as McNearney said, “he’s obsessed with pronouncing people’s names correctly,” and just minutes before the start of the ceremony involved Michael B. Jordan, Pedro Pascal, Michelle Yeoh, Steven Spielberg And Andrew Garfield as part of its “security team,” and the artists “all played along and were very supportive.” The conductor he also avoided exaggerated jokes on slap given by Will Smith to Chris Rock during the 2022 Oscars. “We didn’t want this year to be all about last year,” McNearney said. “I can’t tell you how many Will Smith jokes we had and got rid of”, but “we really appreciated the idea of ​​making fun of last year’s reaction. I think we’re all still a bit shocked by how it ended and how after witnessing that violence everyone had to endure an acceptance speech to the end.” Finally, during the evening Kimmel surprisingly involved the Pakistani activist in an exchange of jokes Malala Yousafzai and the actors Colin Farrell And Jessica Chastain.



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According to some rumors, after the positive feedback from the network and the Academy, Kimmel is about time favorite host for the 96th Academy Awards, expected next year. “She’s capable of doing it as long as she wants” said McNearney, who also underlined her husband’s commitment to the success of the job, made up of “mountains and mountains and mountains of jokes, rewriting that monologue several times, she has several dreams due to the He gets up in the middle of the night and thinks the teleprompter has shut down.” Kimmel’s fear finally came true, as the host had to improvise during the introduction to the editing award: “I knew it, because it’s went completely off the script.”

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