the singer blew his nose on the videographer

Marilyn Manson he blew his nose in videographer Susan Fontaine and this gesture of contempt cost him his sentence 20 hours of community service plus one fine about $1400.

Marilyn Manson at social services

The event occurred during concert belonging 2019 V New Hampshire.

In addition to socially useful work and a fine, the singer will also have to notify New Hampshire police any new shows in the area and he’ll have to demonstrate your service to the community until February 4, 2024.

Marilyn Manson spits on a woman

Marilyn Manson was born Brian Warnerapproached a woman who was filming near the stage.

Manson approached Susan Fontaine and took them away. spat on. The woman got saliva on both her hands.

Then the singer known as “Reverend” returned to attack blow your nose through your nose “a significant amount slime on” Ms. Fontaine, according to a police sergeant who reviewed surveillance video.

In the video you then see Manson”point and laugh at the fountain how he comes out and leaves,” the sergeant continued.

Susan Fontaine was not in court on the day of sentencing, but she entered a guilty plea.

“I am a professional and have been working in this field for 30 years,” the woman wrote.

“I have worked for many companies and in all my years of activity I have never been humiliated or treated the way the defendant treated me,” she added.

“Spitting on me and blowing my nose was the most disgusting thing a person has ever done.”

“I understand this was not a serious criminal charge, but I hope the defendant gets a sentence that makes him think twice about doing something like this again,” concluded Susan Fountain.

Marilyn Manson’s legal troubles

This is not the first legal trouble for Marilyn Manson: his former partner, actress Evan Rachel Wood, accused Manson of sexual assault. The singer sued her for libel.

Photo source: ANSA

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