the unfortunate sign Aquarius doesn’t even protest anymore!

In today’s horoscope, Wednesday, August 23, 2023, we mark the last hours of the Leo season and the first hours of the Virgo season. The lucky sign of the day is Scorpio, and the bad sign is Aquarius.

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Horoscope for todayWednesday, August 23, 2023, as well as iconic predictions for love, work and luck: this is what the stars have prepared for us for this day.

Your lucky sign today is Scorpio. the same while bad sign – Aquarius who doesn’t even protest anymore!


Perhaps you are too cheeky Aries. You will feel very cool, without realizing it, when you invade the sentimental and emotional territory of those around you, perhaps with a little finesse. In fact, you will not be shocked by the idea of ​​American entrepreneurs who would also like to sell copies of famous cheeses in Europe. Hold yourself back!

Horoscope, ranking of the most successful signs from August 21 to 27, 2023: Pisces and Gemini are very confused

Love: Cooked to perfection.

Job: You are interested in big finances.

Health: Honorary Degree in Nutrition and Health.

Tip of the day: Contact a volunteer organization to contribute to society.

Vote: 7


Because the moon is rising today and Venus is always against you, you feel alone and abandoned, like a church. In fact, it seems that only 1 in 5 people attend church today, and not very often at that. You may need some spirituality to get through this stressful time!

Love: Situation.

Job: Are you okay. Count up to 100.

Health: Sanity is imperfection. Charles Bukowski, hangover specialist, 1972

Tip of the day: Avoid confrontation. Social media presents unrealistic beauty standards.

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You are really lethargic and no one can change your mind. You, too, will be like the owner of an Apulian farmhouse who decides to close for the holidays in August. He prefers less stress to more income. Today you have no doubts: the first person who offers to save you from some task, you immediately say “yes”!

Love: Seeking confirmation.

Job: Your boss might notice that you’ve been on the run for a while.

Health: You are in reserve.

Tip of the day: Take extra time to make important decisions.

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You really want to do everything to satisfy the needs of others, and you will look for all ways to make everyone’s life better. For example: there is a bar in Savona where if you come with a cup and spoon from home, you will be charged only 70 cents for an espresso. A trifle, perhaps, but a gesture of foresight!

Love: You are grateful for all the love you have in life.

Job: Employee of the day.

Health: Ready to solve problems with enthusiasm.

Tip of the day: Share your happiness.

Vote 9+

a lion

Despite today’s crooked moon, you will still always want sweets. You might be like secretary Ellie Schlein, who played a blues piece with guitar at the l’Unità party. Even for you today there are many emotions and if you try to convey them by any means, even artistic ones.

Love: Someone tell you how irreplaceable you are, now!

Job: Any occasion is good for competition.

Health: Rolling the ball is not considered a disable yet, you can do it!

Tip of the day: To knit. It’s meditative and very creative.

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You feel just like Margot Robbie, who seems to have made a lot of money in recent weeks thanks to the success of the Barbie movie, in which she is not only the main character, but also a co-producer. You rub your hands too, but you never forget the feeling. In short, we are happy with your successes, because you do not brag about them at all.

Love: The promise sparkles, but the sheets are flawless!

Job: We declare hyperanalysis season open!

Health: Watch out, if you don’t stop, you somatize!

Tip of the day: Let others clean up the mess.

Vote 9


Since with this Venus you really want in favor of love and family, you will advocate for the protection of grandparents’ pensions. In fact, it seems that the more retired grandparents, the easier it is to decide to have children, obviously counting on their help. And let no one dare to invade your sentimental construction sites!

Love: Zen love.

Job: Today you want to make life easier for others.

Health: Choose simplicity.

Tip of the day: Book a couples Thai massage, if you don’t have a partner, find someone to share it with.

Vote 7


You get the impression that no one can truly understand the turmoil that stirs you inside. It is known that you never liked simple things, especially in emotions. However, I think you are exaggerating a little! You have the intuition of a real detective and an excellent ability to penetrate into the essence of every feeling, your own and others.

Love: The radio is tuned to other people’s emotions.

Job: You are not paid to work as a detective on the network.

HealthA: Health is important, but so is chocolate.

Tip of the day: Set clearer emotional boundaries. Which emotions belong to you and which to others?

Vote 7+


You happily hide and avoid showing off, hoping to go unnoticed. It’s still a tactic! You would rather wonder what happened to you today than brag. In short, stay in your lair. You look a bit like Venus Santanche, as Botticelli’s Venus was called, used in the “Welcome to Meravilla” tourism campaign. Also, this icon seems to have been gone for weeks on social media.

Love: If in doubt, don’t choose.

Job: You added “mobile laziness” to your to-do list and then gave up.

Health: Hurry.

Tip of the day: Take time to reflect on life, the meaning of existence and the meaning of your existence with friends, beer and popcorn.

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You feel that you are loved and rightfully valued for your intelligence and performance. You are a bit like Italian cotton growing strong, healthy and almost ready for harvest: a very smart idea. Here, and you are applauded for your genius!

Love: Spiritual realist.

Job: You can conquer the world.

Health: Pelid Achilles bows to your resistance.

Tip of the day: Buy plants and create lush green oases to take care of.

Vote 9


This summer, you feel cheated by the planets, as do many motorists who fall for the scooter scam. In fact, there are criminals who pretend to be hit by a car while riding a scooter. Here Aquarius, it’s normal that you want to scream at the whole world, but try not to blame non-existent outsiders.

Love: take the ghosts to the next level.

Job: Didn’t decide whether to leave or stay.

Health: There is uncertainty about what the next little pain will be.

Tip of the day: Choose an activity and put all your passion into it.

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These days, with Mercury still against you and soon going retrograde too, you feel as interesting as the news that the end call button on the iPhone is about to be moved. You just feel like you have nothing to say and that ideas are kept out of your little head. I advise you not to strain and listen to this unusual silence.

Love: You also question the choices made in kindergarten.

Job: It doesn’t suit you.

Health: Tired of being tired.

Tip of the day: Discover crazy new hobbies: From raising earthworms to throwing knives and dragging logs through the forest, there’s a crazy hobby for every life crisis.

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