The United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution!

Decision details

At the emergency session of the UN General Assembly last night, a resolution proposed by Jordan was adopted and supported by more than 45 “member states” calling for “an immediate, permanent and sustainable ceasefire on humanitarian grounds leading to a cessation of hostilities.” While 120 countries, including Turkey, voted in favor of the resolution, 14 countries, including Austria, Israel, Hungary, Croatia, the Czech Republic and the United States of America, voted against the resolution. 45 countries also abstained from voting.

Israel’s reaction

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said in his statement in response to the adoption of the resolution: “Today will go down in history as a shameful day.” “We have all witnessed that the United Nations does not have even a shred of legitimacy,” Ambassador Erdan said, adding: “The United Nations is determined to ensure that more atrocities occur.” He said: “According to the family of nations, Israel has no right to defend itself.”

France’s position

The French Ambassador to the United Nations, Nicolas de Rivière, said after adopting the resolution that his delegation voted in favor of the resolution because “there is nothing that justifies the killing of civilians.”

Message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations

“Everyone must shoulder their responsibilities,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on social media during the sessions. This is the moment of truth. He shared the message, “History will judge us all.”

Hamas Al-Kindi proposal

The amendment proposed by Canada and supported by more than 35 member states, including the United States, which aims to publicly condemn Hamas, was not accepted because it did not receive two-thirds support. The result of the vote was 85 votes to 55, with 23 abstentions.

A message from the United States of America

Speaking before the General Assembly, the United States pointed to the importance of the two-state solution by saying, “We cannot return to the situation that existed on October 6” after the end of the current crisis.

It is noteworthy that the emergency special session of the United Nations Security Council will be held on Tuesday, October 31.

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