The uses, effects and preparation of this medicinal plant

Dandelion is a wild plant found everywhere: in gardens, on mountains and along roadsides.It has been known for its medicinal properties for centuries It is used for digestive, kidney, liver and gastritis problems. It also helps purify the blood.

In popular medicine in ancient Greece, it was appreciated for its efficacy. Anti-stomach upset propertiesand in the Middle Ages, healers used its milk to treat Eye diseases.

“Generally speaking, this plant is considered a ‘blood cleanser’ and has a metabolism-stimulating effect in the following conditions: Liver failure, gallstones, and high cholesterol levels”, reads in the text Nutritional information: dandelion, From the Spanish International Journal of Acupuncture.

This plant is an herbaceous plant, which matches its scientific name Dandelions. It belongs to the composite family and usually does not exceed 35 cm in height.Its leaves have deep teeth and Bitter taste. But they are usually eaten with salad.

The flowers bear fruit and form a spherical crest, a set of feathery, white and silky hairs that fly through the air.According to naturopath and acupuncturist Estuardo Mendoza, this is We usually call them “mishitos” and ask them to make wishes. when they are blown.

Its name “dandelion” comes from the shape of its cut leaves, which look like sharp, curved teeth.

Dandelion Benefits

Almost the entire plant comes from the dandelion: its roots and leaves.these last are Source of vitamins A, C and K; Small amounts also contain vitamin E, folic acid and B vitamins. They provide iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Among the main properties of this plant we can mention: anti-inflammatory, insulin-stimulating and anti-angiogenic.

What are dandelions used for?
When achenes are blown causing dandelions to fly, it aids in the dispersal of their seeds. (Free Press Photo: Photo courtesy of Pixabay on

Here are some benefits of dandelions:

  • Helps control mild digestive disorderssuch as abdominal fullness, flatulence, slow digestion, etc.
  • Fight anemia.
  • Relieve inflammation.
  • Helps stimulate urine production, for its diuretic properties. It also promotes the elimination of excess water from the body.
  • Protect liver and kidneys: It promotes the formation and secretion of bile and facilitates the digestion of fats.
  • control blood sugar
  • prevent Gallstone formation.
  • In infusion, it can be used Clean wounds or skin conditions.
  • Promote good liver function.
  • Helps with urinary tract health.
  • Clean the urinary tract.
  • It is beneficial to the stimulation of gastric juice, so Helps digestion.
  • Helps with constipation and cases of irritable bowel.
  • Relieve gastritis symptoms
  • help Control LDL cholesterol levels (called “bad” cholesterol) and triglycerides

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How is it prepared

The most common way to prepare dandelion is as an infusion, but it is also available in capsule or drop form.Mendoza It is recommended to drink tea or infusion, prepared by mixing one tablespoon of leaves with one liter of fresh boiled water. Ideally, drink one glass three times a day.

“One must Be careful the plants don’t burn to prevent the loss of its active ingredients. The secret is that instead of boiling the plants with the water, you let the liquid reach boiling point, turn off the heat and add the dandelions. Let it rest for five minutes. express.

he Handbook of Medicinal Plants for Home Use in the Guatemalan Highlandsexpressed by Jean-Pierre Nicolas, for consume root should be set to “Boil a finger-long root One glass of water, three glasses a day. ” You can also eat dandelion leaves in raw salads.

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Dandelions are not recommended for consumption during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. People with bile problems should also avoid taking it.

Those taking diuretics, anticoagulants, and those with neuromuscular problems should consult a doctor before taking dandelion.

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