Their hair is strange, and the inside of their heads is even stranger

Former US President Trump, former UK Prime Minister Johnson, new Argentine President Miley and Wilders, who took the lead in the Dutch elections… It has become a trend of leaders taking on the fate of their countries with strange hairstyles. The fact that the heads of the four people were similar on the inside raised concern. The influence of leaders in world politics who advocate extreme views, oppose rationalism, and hold racist positions has given rise to comments such as “rationality loses.”

Although US President Donald Trump lost the election in 2021, it is interesting that his counterparts with strange hairstyles and extreme views have repeatedly risen to the top of politics. This week, two more joined the leader types whose heads, as well as their hairstyles, are similar to each other. Donald Trump came to power in 2017, then Boris Johnson, who has been constantly criticized for his messy hair, came to power in 2019, and his first job was to get the UK out of the European Union. Just like Trump, he did not take the Covid epidemic seriously. This week, Javier Miley, nicknamed “The Crazy One,” won Argentina’s presidential election on Tuesday.

Miley, who defines himself as a “liberal” and “anarcho-capitalist” despite being called “far-right” politically in international and local media, caused a sensation with his promises to close the Argentine Central Bank and become the Central Bank of Argentina. The dollar instead of the national currency, the peso. During his campaign, Miley appeared in public with a “chainsaw.”

Yesterday, these names were joined by the far-right, anti-Islam Dutch leader Geert Wilders.

In his first statement after the announcement of the opinion poll results, Wilders stated that they could no longer be ignored and said: “We will rule the country.” He said. Wilders’ election program includes calls for a referendum on the Netherlands’ exit from the European Union, a complete cessation of accepting refugees and the return of migrants to the Dutch borders. He also calls for the “de-Islamization” of the Netherlands, but during this election campaign he has taken a more moderate stance towards Islam than in the past.

The People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, led by Dylan Yeşilgöz, of Turkish origin, lost votes compared to the 2021 elections. According to this poll, Yeşilgöz’s party lost 11 seats, and came in third place with 23 deputies. At least four parties will have to come together to form a coalition government.

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