There are many culprits besides justice

Amid the uproar over Silvina Luna’s death, Gabriela Trenchi, another of Anibal Lototsky’s victims, speaks out and assures that “there are many culprits here, besides justice”. The textile businesswoman is referring not only to doctors, but to the entire system of intervention, from judges to institutions: “It has a very important political fit”he pointed out.

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In this case, Trenchi interviewed by C5N Regarding his current state of health and the status of Lotocki’s procedures. The textile businesswoman denounced the doctor, as well as other victims, for complications from an operation performed in 2015.

Although Lotocki was sentenced to four years in prison for serious injuries and disqualified from his profession for five years, the execution of the sentence is still pending and the case has so far not been discussed in the media. Silvina Luna.

“I started the oral trial and it took me years and years before they moved the box within the box. I’m sorry Sylvana can’t see that this murderer is already in jail.. I’m going to keep fighting so that soon, wherever I am, I can see it,” said Trench, whose mobility is limited due to leg pain affecting a large part of his body.

Along these lines, with Lotocki sentenced in 2022, Trench emphasized: “I’m very dissatisfied with justice’. The businesswoman explained that the sentence was reduced and that the case was supposed to be “very serious injury” but was classified as “serious injury” because “The condition cannot be cured, or it can lead to death, as in the case of Silvina Luna“.

Currently, the textile businesswoman is taking at least 20 medications a day and is now experiencing drug-induced gastroenteritis: “None of the doctors knew what to do. It’s a ticking time bomb in the body, it’s beyond science”he pointed out.

Facing Lotocki’s silence, Trench called to encourage her to talk to her face-to-face and, without her asking, to explain to her what substance she was putting into her body. “I want you to tell me to my face why you put it on me and ruined my life”,it’s over.

Silvina Luna’s death: Three judges claim they have no power to order autopsy

Three judges declared themselves incompetent conduct an autopsy Silvina LunaDied Thursday in Italian hospital after battling kidney disease for months after doctors went wrong during cosmetic surgery Hannibal Lotocki in 2011.

Oral Court President 28 Carlos RengelThe man who sentenced Lotocki affirmed that ordering an autopsy was not within his purview and heard the request of prosecutor Sandro Abrades, who ordered an autopsy on Lotocki. protect the body of an actress.

He then referred the case to Acting Judge Alejandro Ferro, in Court No. 36 of the capital, Fernando Burlando filed a murder case. Then, The magistrate also declared himself incompetent. Likewise, the third judge, Louis Schlegel, Avoid autopsies on dead bodies.

“In these hours, no judge is willing to order an autopsy on Silvina Luna’s body,” Leandro Gabriele says C5N. The actress’ body has been in the judicial morgue on Viamont Street since 2:00 p.m. It is currently being kept in a room pending autopsy and corresponding professional identification.

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