“There is a rather perverse theory that has to do with the fact that intelligence is worthless”

‘life Wogon“It was just that, crazy about the diversity of its projects. He moved at lightning speed from theater to radio, from literature to television, from teaching humor classes to editing magazines.

When they asked her which of all the branches of art she felt most comfortable in, she responded, “The branch I’m in now.”

This was also the day when, while living in Buenos Aires, she said: “I’m going to Cordoba for a few days” and then stayed and lived here (although it must also be said that she left Cordoba Feeling a bit “abandoned”)).

She has been married for 40 years Jose Felix “Coco” Feldman, with whom he has two children.He is currently working with Adrian Zarate They lived together in the small town of Mendiolaza, where she learned to compost, take care of the water, and live with possums who came looking for food.

His first humorous note was published in hydrangeas and his drama’heating“He’s been on stage for 15 years.

Have a signed photo in your library woody allen and the thank you letter he sent him. Raul Alfonsínhe told her that thanks to her, he hadn’t smiled so happily in a long time.

friend Maria Elena WalshAt the age of 18, Vogon began working as a rural teacher in Corrientes. And it never stopped.

– What is this new adventure you’re embarking on?
– It came about because I was dying and my students cried a lot.

– When you say you’re going to die, are you exaggerating or is that the truth?
——I had double pneumonia in January and everyone was crying. I was happy at that moment because a lot of people came to visit me and they took care of me, but when you go out, your body takes a toll. The recovery period from this type of pneumonia is very difficult. This is her first time being hospitalized. That’s when my students — the bars we’ve been working with for four years and through the pandemic — asked me when I would hold my next workshop.

– Is this a large group?
-No. By definition, they must be small groups of between 10 and 15 people.In my studio I work with Freudand Henri Bergson For lateral thinking to work, they have to be divided into groups. But the truth is I don’t know if I have a group or hotel. I told them I couldn’t hold seminars and they offered to publish a magazine. It was a little complicated because they were in Buenos Aires and I was in Mendiolasa. But my partner Adrián is an SEO expert in the computer field. I wouldn’t have come out without him because I don’t know anything, I’m Precambrian.

– How is the team formed?
– Seven of us: Liz Marinolawyer; Lydia PoggioA biologist in his 80s writes about things that old people die for; Gabrielle Steinbergwho produces podcasts; Leonardo Silveravideo editing; Monica Gervasoni, my right hand and my left heart, and Adrian Zarate. I was the director, but it was all very anarchic. We meet once a week via Zoom.

– Where do you work?
– We want it to be a magazine of excellence, so, for example, this report saint martin We took 10 days because although this was a humorous report, all the data was real and all references checked.I forced them into madness and absurdity, and everyone was comparing the magazine to Satyricon My mouth is watering.

——What are the limits of humor?
– Whoever everyone is, I want a completely free magazine. What we don’t do is political humor because it falls apart easily and quickly. If we’re lucky, we won’t remember who it was three years from now. Millais.

–What is the concept of “hat” for the magazine?
– It was a battle. The magazine is free, so all you have to do is invest 100 pesos. When we had five thousand contestants, only one person put money in, and that was my best friend from Buenos Aires. There are two concepts there that are in conflict with each other, one is that there is a huge confusion, and I can’t ignore that. But there is a rather perverse theory that has to do with the fact that intellectuals, that which belongs to the realm of intelligence, are worthless.

——Do you think there is a possibility of change?
– If I hadn’t thought about this, I wouldn’t have made this magazine, or invented the humor workshop, or given away my sixth book.

-How about that?
– “Low Heeled Women” is being uploaded to the internet for free to coincide with upcoming content. I belong to a generation born between two cultures: the culture in which we were educated was a book culture, and the digital culture we face has led to the decline of book culture. It’s not that they go digital, it’s that they don’t read.

– What is the basis of humor? What would you never joke about?
– The foundation is always a flaw, that’s not what I’m saying. No one laughs at perfection, there have to be flaws or situations that don’t fit the frame to make you laugh. Every comedian has his or her own limitations. Let justice decide the rest. I don’t joke about missing persons or the Holocaust.but Jorge Ginzburg He taught me how to make a good joke about the Holocaust, and his last name was Ginzburg.

——What do you think of today’s humor?
– I think we’ve gone through a period of severe censorship over the last five years, and paradoxically that censorship comes from some groups of women when you tell a joke that seems sexist or macho to them . I laugh at everything, more at men because they have more flaws, but I also laugh at how stupid we women can be sometimes. But I’ve seen them download poster work. I think there is a breakthrough in humor today in terms of laughing at things that are forbidden to be laughed at, and I hope it goes well because comedians always hit the brakes and we all have to tone down our humor two tones, but we have to be careful when we don’t. Humorous, if not witty.

——What is your view on feminism?
–Being a feminist is one way to be a good person, just like being an environmentalist. But when right thinking becomes single thinking, that’s fascism.

–What did you gain from working at Humor y Hortensia?
——I rarely go to Hortensia’s editorial office. I know all the comedians, and I have a deep affection for (Alberto) Conini, but that’s not where I belong, like humor. It was incredible walking in there because I met all the people I admired. I have the best memories.

christina vogon magazine

To Wogon. The first edition of the online magazine, which will be published monthly, was published last Sunday and has already been visited by more than 9,000 people.

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