These are the best remedies

A feeling of clogged ears or feeling like they are blocked is common presence of liquid Take during or after a cold, flu, or sinus episode.This discomfort is caused by Mucus accumulation from the nosegenerally no need to worry.

However, trouble May vary and, in some cases, become very uncomfortable and require medical attention. In this article, you will find solutions to relieve ear congestion caused by mucus and improve the condition.If you encounter Increased pain accompanied by feverit is recommended to contact your doctor.

Tips to relieve clogged ears

The nose and ears are connected by a tube called a “duct.” Eustachian tube. During a cold or flu, mucus accumulates in the nose and travels along this path until it reaches the middle ear, where it becomes lodged.However, in some cases, the Eustachian tube May become clogged and inflamedpreventing accumulated fluid from being fully drained and causing the sensation of ear blockage.

Tips to relieve ear pain

Nonetheless, except in very severe cases, the situation can be resolved by: Simple care at home or with a doctor’s consultation. Although hearing may be affected, which may cause concern, remove mucus Hearing ability is usually completely restored.

1. Body posture

An easy way to clear snot from your ears is to stand up on one foot and Turn your head to the side of congestion. Next, slowly raise your head without lowering your feet and be careful not to lose your balance. If the accumulation of mucus is slight and its consistency is liquid, this movement will allow the mucus to escape.

You can also lie on your side on a pillow to support your congested ears. If the mucus is liquid, you will see it coming out bit by bit. If you sleep on the side of your ear that is blocked at night, you will notice improvement when you wake up in the morning.

How to clear mucus from ears

2. Inhalation of water vapor

Water vapor is a great helper in treating clogged ears. To do this, put hot water in a container and cover your head with a towel while inhaling the steam.It can be done with just water, but if you add some decongestant plants, e.g. Eucalyptus, peppermint or chamomile also have antiseptic properties, They will help you clear mucus from your ears. Hot showers and humidifiers can also serve this purpose.

This solution is great for helping your nasal passages drain mucus when a cold or allergies causes a stuffy nose. In addition, inflammation of the Eustachian tube is reduced, thereby improving ear discomfort.

3. Apply hot compress with warm water

If a water vapor solution doesn’t work for mucus-clogged ears, you can Help mucus become more fluid Apply warm water to the affected ear and they will drain more easily.

In addition, the Eustachian tubes can also constrict, since in this case the steam goes directly into the congestion. Of course, be careful not to make the compress too hot, otherwise you may burn your face and ears.

4. Use a salt solution

The simplest and most effective solution for mucus-clogged ears is to apply Seawater in the nose, which helps fluidize and drain existing mucus. You can buy it at a pharmacy or prepare it at home with kosher salt and distilled water.

Mix the two ingredients until the salt dissolves, then add to the pot. Next, Tilt your head to one side under the sink Then pour water into one of your nostrils. Let it come in without inhaling, breathing through your mouth. The saline solution will flow out of the other nostril and once completed, you have to repeat the same process through the other nostril. If a small amount of water gets into your mouth, spit it out.

5. Use peppermint cream

Another effective way to relieve clogged ears is to rub your ears Apply mint cream on chest. Its scent relieves congestion in the respiratory tract and helps drain accumulated fluid, thereby reducing pressure in the Eustachian tubes.

6. Take decongestants

If your ears are clogged due to a cold or cold, you can take a decongestant help improve this situation. Follow the instructions for taking your medicine, and as your cold gets better, the inflammation in your middle ear will lessen and you will notice an improvement.

7. Go to the doctor

If the mucus buildup in your ears is related to a nasal condition, it’s best to see your doctor, especially if the symptoms recur frequently. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find a clear solution until the cause of the problem is identified.

Don’t wait for the problem to get worse, decongest your nose and ears as soon as discomfort occurs. If mucus remains in the ears for a long time, We may develop complications and have otitis media, Or the same thing, a middle ear infection.

Our solutions for mucus-clogged ears should work, give them a try first and see your doctor immediately if you suspect an infection or experience severe pain.

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