These are the hospitals in Guayaquil that treat the most emergency patients | Report | News

Across the national public health network, 2,847,830 people attended hospital emergency departments, more than half of whom were women (1,689,562). By comparison, the number of men is about 1,157,886, according to the Ministry of Public Health.

Cisne II Health Center is the center with the largest number of emergencies in the Guayaquil public health network, with a total of 51,831 patients; This is followed by Bastión’s popular 24-hour maternal and child care centers, which according to the classification have 42,584 first-level facilities.

The second level is the Montesina General Hospital with 41,841 emergencies, followed by the Mariana de Jesus Day Hospital with 24,932 emergencies and the Guasmonan General Hospital with 24,662 emergencies.

The third level is the Francisco de Ycaza Bustamante Pediatric Hospital with 37,925 patients and the Abel Gilbert Pontón Specialist Hospital with 16,754 patients.

Here is the complete list:

first level

  • Cisne II Health Center51,831
  • Mother and Baby Fortress Hot 24 – HD 42,584
  • City of Victoria 26,607
  • Mother and Baby Francesco Jacom 24 – HD 22,275
  • Guasmo Central Hospital 22,014
  • Martha Drodos Maternity Hospital 21,544

second level

  • Mount Sinai General Hospital 91,435
  • Mariana Jesus Day Hospital 41,841
  • Guasmonan General Hospital 24,662

Level 3

  • Francisco de Icasa Bustamente Pediatric Hospital74,085
  • Abel Gilbert Ponton Specialist Hospital 16,754
  • University Pediatric Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital8,482
  • Proser Matilde Hidalgo Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital 6,069
  • Dr. Jose Daniel Rodriguez Infectious Disease Hospital 5,564

Number of emergencies based on month of care

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of emergencies in the first quarter of this year is already more than half of the same period in 2022, with about 2.2 million cases, indicating an increase in the number of users of these rooms: 1.6 million are women and 1.1 million are women. man.

The main cause is acute nasopharyngitis, an inflammation of the lining of the nose and the mucous membrane of the throat. During the six months, there were 267,954 patients.

Another disease was acute tonsillitis, with 205,570 users in emergency status; 203,222 visits for gastroenteritis, 170,999 for abdominal pain and 86,909 for false labor.

There were 36,206 cases of gastritis and duodenitis, 35,434 cases of hypertension, 33,718 cases of head trauma, and 3,577 cases of accidental trauma.

Here is a list of reasons:

  • Acute nasopharyngitis 267,954.
  • Acute tonsillitis 205570.
  • Other transmissible gastroenteritis and colitis203,222.
  • Abdominal and pelvic pain 170,999.
  • Acute pharyngitis126383.
  • Other urological diseases 105,952.
  • Fake labor 86,909.
  • Fever due to other causes 60,541.
  • Urogenital tract infection during pregnancy 54,325.
  • Back pain 39,177.

Department of Health data shows women aged 20 to 39 have more emergency department visits, with 655,670 in the year to July.

The range between 40 and 64 years old is also large, with 304,056 women. There are fewer men: 210,123 and 277,342 between 20 and 39 years old. (Yo)

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