These are the number of people who die from influenza every year in Spain

If there is one thing that characterizes the winter of 2023-2024, it is the virulence of the baptized. “Tripleemia” in Spainwith buds and Flu, COVID-19 and bronchitis cases Word spread throughout National Geographic.

For many this is just another winter, while for others it is a somewhat atypical situation that in some cases compromises emergency solvency. Nonetheless, it is clear that Data on infections cannot be ignoreds, although the vast majority of cases are ultimately not serious.

If we look at influenza, we’ve seen very dramatic changes in the data in recent years.For many experts, this It is related to and caused by Covid, Because the security measures in the past three years have been stricter than before.

Very revealing data

Still, deaths from the flu are still happening, even though the numbers weren’t particularly high a few years ago. Since 2016, the growth has been very impressive Deaths from influenza compared to 2015 Chapter 487.

In 2016, there were nearly 200 more deaths than the previous year (647), although the really important increases occurred in succession. There were 1,175 and 1,852 deaths in 2017 and 2018 respectively, According to data Stasta.

In 2019, there was a decrease of about 400 people, and in 2020, especially 2021, it reached an all-time low, Only 24 people died from the flu. The impact of this year’s epidemic on our lives and the changes in our patterns and habits are obvious. We are forced to do this.

Logically, the largest percentage increase occurs in 2022, when the death toll rises from 24 to over a thousand: 1,018, an increase of approximately 5,000%.

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