“These are the risks” Tyrrhenian Sea

We hear this all our lives. You have to keep your head on your neck. But what should we do if we try to make her as thin as Barbie with Botox? Confirming (in flesh and blood) myths is always dangerous, and (multiple) cases of (multiple) operations have been suffered by those who felt like Angelina Jolie, Ken (Barbie’s impeccable companion) or Michael Jackson in their chests.

And now – perhaps as a result of the great renaissance (also cinematic) of the anthropomorphic doll, a totem of more than just a cultural and familiar flip – Barbie’s Botox is going viral, a “social madness”, according to Emanuele Bartoletti, president of the Italian organization. The Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Sime), which states: the use of botulinum toxin to make the neck thin and long, like the famous doll, is absurd. This intervention is becoming very popular on Tik Tok among very young people, but let’s be clear: “chasing such trends is dangerous.”

The current aesthetic procedure was launched by American influencer Isabelle Lux from Palm Beach (Florida), who talked about her experience on a social network and shared it with her subscribers after undergoing the procedure. Gloria Trocchi, vice-president of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Sime) and board member of Aiteb, the Italian Association of Botulinum Aesthetic Therapy, also warns: “In fact, this intervention has been around for some time and is called Trap Tox. A procedure used to relieve tension, spasms, shoulder asymmetry and localized pain. Botulinum toxin works by relaxing the muscles, blocking the action of the chemical (acetylcholine) responsible for the contraction of the muscles themselves. But incorrect administration or incorrect dosage can lead to negative consequences for the trapezius muscles.”

“This drift is a classic example of the transformative direction that aesthetic medicine is taking,” continues Bartoletti, “which was born for a noble reason, to prevent and correct real deficiencies that can cause patient dissatisfaction and, in the most serious cases, even psychological problems. like depression. Aesthetic medicine is also used to intervene in cases of facial or lip asymmetry, developmental defects, after a stroke injury or after an accident.” It is no coincidence that “the goals of us, aesthetic doctors, are: prevention, maintenance over time and, finally, correction in the event of a real defect. Anything that tends to transform is simply the fashion of the moment.” Barbie Botox “is a pointless trend because botulinum toxin is not intended to make the neck thin and long, but, as emphasized, to treat wrinkles in the eyebrows, forehead and eye area. So this practice is, to put it mildly, “off-label”, beyond the scope of indications and permissions.” A delicate operation affecting “the trapezius muscles, which serve to hold the neck straight.” If Botox puts them under too much stress, they may weaken to the point that they cannot lift their head when lying down. But there are also risks to deeper muscles, such as the swallowing muscles.” “If you go to untrained doctors without adequate training in aesthetic medicine, even for facial fillers,” adds Bartoletti, “you risk skin necrosis.” Fortunately, “botulinum toxin, which wears off after 6 months, does not cause these problems,” he concludes, “but there is no point in chasing current trends anyway.” I tell girls: be careful, beauty is in naturalness, not in transformation.”

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