They advise pregnant women to take initial control during the first trimester of pregnancy

The Department of Public Health said free pregnancy tests were offered in hospitals and primary care centres. They point to the relevance of these studies for diagnosing conditions that may affect the mother or baby.

The provincial health department, through the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Unit, advises pregnant women to take initial control during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is worth recalling that pregnancy testing is free and can be performed at health centers and that the province provides all the services a woman needs during pregnancy, such as laboratory tests, ultrasound scans and, if required, medication.

Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Director Adela Saad recalled that there are free pregnancy tests and that to prevent complications, medical checkups should start in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, he said the province has all the services a woman needs during pregnancy, such as lab studies, ultrasound scans and, if needed, medication. He emphasized that there are several ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies and prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

“Any woman who doubts whether she is pregnant can go to health centres, hospitals and primary care centers across the province where they can get a free pregnancy test. They just have to ask and it’s similar to the ones sold at pharmacies. This will initially To confirm if they are pregnant, if the answer is yes, they must make an appointment at any health center, so that the pregnancy is controlled first. The doctor who sees her must then request a lab and confirm the pregnancy, and then order an ultrasound to determine the week of pregnancy number,” he explained.

“They have to do controls at least eight times during pregnancy, about once a month, and we do estimate that the diagnosis is made in the second month of pregnancy,” he said.

In the case of a normal pregnancy, laboratory tests should be performed quarterly. Otherwise, it will be up to health personnel to indicate how much is left. Control measures corresponding to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV, syphilis or hepatitis B are also important. With this in mind, he emphasized that the public health sector has provided the necessary services for these studies in maternity wards, hospitals and primary health care centers (Caps and Saps).

He warns: “Professionals must appoint a laboratory to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases as early as possible. Most have effective treatments and cures to avoid avoidable health problems in babies at the end of pregnancy.”

first check

“Once they suspect, the first control has to be done as soon as possible. They have to try it in the first trimester and do it monthly from then on. It’s important that they know that pregnancy tests have been distributed in all provinces. Maternity wards and fertility centres, initial diagnosis is available free of charge,” he emphasized.

“We need to get the first control as soon as possible, and we see it later,” Saad said, adding that some women don’t have their first test until they are in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy, wasting three months of work. time to spot diseases that could harm the mother or baby.

“The sooner they contact the health center the better. The doctor has a clue as to whether their condition is normal or if they need to be watched more closely. They have to take blood pressure and do a test.” “Laboratory tests. Then they order an ultrasound. Physicians should also measure blood pressure, blood sugar, and see if they find pathologies that women don’t know about that could complicate pregnancy,” he said.


“There are pregnancy tests in the province, and doctors order pregnancy-related drugs. Except where they do labs and ultrasounds. They have to know that labs are essential, and then there’s ultrasounds. So, we can see ‘pregnancy Are there risks and how to treat them. The first control could be done by a doctor or an obstetrics graduate,” he said.


On the other hand, Sade recalls, at public health centers, methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies were distributed free of charge. The Ministry of Health provides these supplies to public service providers.

“Once they have sex, they have to go. Teenagers can go to these methods, it was forbidden a long time ago that they should go with adults, they can go alone. Men can ask for barrier methods like condoms,” he said. He mentioned birth control methods such as pills, injections, implants or chips.

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