They call on the government to provide treatment for hepatitis B patients

this Dominican Republic Foundation for Patients with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Other Immune Diseases (FUNPAHEINM) To the attention of government authorities Drugs need to be provided to patients with hepatitis B Just like they do with hepatitis C patients.

Mrs Luisa ParadasPresident of FUNPAHEINM lTreatment for hepatitis B does not fall under the high-cost sector, he added..

in some meaning, Dr. Virginia Garcia He said that while treatment for HBV was less expensive, it was lifelong and not all patients had the resources to pay for it.

Although Dr. Sandra Cabrera Febrier He explained that according to the data managed by the entity, the incidence rate of hepatitis C is 1.2, and the incidence rate of hepatitis B is 1.4, that is to say, there are about 200,000 hepatitis B patients and 150,000 hepatitis C patients nationwide.

These statements are made within the framework of the commemoration World Hepatitis Day 28 July.

About the Foundation

FUNPAHEINM is an entity born out of the concerns of Dr. Sandra Cabrera and a group of patients who felt the need for an association to defend their cause and their rights.

Since its establishment in 2013 FUNPAHEINM is responsible for cooperating with the screening and diagnosis of hepatitis patients By holding seminars in different parts of the country and Monitor drug distribution.

Likewise, he gives lectures, they also provide companionship for confirmed patients and vaccines for negative patients.


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