They charge two of Neto Calderon’s attackers: counting

Luis Alberto and Francisco R., twin brothers, received the news after a seven-hour hearing that they would serve two months in San Miguel prison. They were involved in the beating of Ernesto Calderón in Angelópolis on 9 September.area

“Well, yes, the young man looked shocked and the family was shocked and obviously it was a very delicate situation for them as well and it was very painful, but we have to offer our condolences to the family and to Ernesto and the other two Providing results to the victims,” ​​said Ernesto Calderon’s lawyer Coral Zavaleta.

Their crimes in connection with this process were the harm done to Ernesto Calderon and the discrimination against Susanna, Maximiliano and Ernesto himself.

But to reach this conclusion, the facts must be restated:

Ernesto, Susanna and Maximiliano spent an evening out together in the Angelopolis area on Saturday, September 9, when they chatted in a park near Puebla Estrella, A group of 7 young men approached and apparently offended them and spilled their drinks. About Netto’s friends.

In order to protect her, Ernesto asked the group to apologize and leave them alone, but the response was less than ideal.

“We approached, a municipal police unit approached, they no longer noticed the presence of the aggressor or the victim, an ambulance also arrived, it did not notice the presence, the call was returned to the first caller People, they said they left on their own,” said SSP chief Daniel Luna.

These acts of violence were recorded and posted on social networks, whereupon they quickly went viral.

A few days after the incident, the twins were identified as students at the University of Anahuac, which permanently expelled them; the Monterrey Technical Office also took the same action, and in the meantime, the Prosecutor’s Office was already looking for the attackers .

Neto suffered a fracture at the base of his eye and an injury to his neck. To date, it has not been determined whether his eye will require surgery as it remains swollen. The matter is expected to be resolved in the coming days, which will also determine the punishment for the defendants.

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