They close Mar del Plata’s South Breakwater due to rise in bird flu cases

The National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) sounded the alarm last week when more than 40 sea lions died off the coast of Necochea.A few days later, residents silver sea Many more mammals have been reported in the Playa Grande area.

Several of the animals tested positive for avian influenza, according to Senasa.Therefore, they ordered the closure of the pedestrian access to Escollera Sur de silver sea preventively. Furthermore, it was also possible to determine that the sea lions at this seaside resort were infected with the same type of influenza as that found in specimens from the coast of Necochea, thus demonstrating the coincidence of deaths from highly pathogenic avian influenza (IAAP) H5)..

Manuel Baldovino, Regional Director of Senasa, explained: “On Wednesday, in Escollera Sur de silver sea. When registering positive cases, we requested the cooperation of the county government to set up a 3km health control zone. Surveillance is used to track symptomatic birds.

In addition, they asked the entity to “refrain from accessing affected beaches” to “reduce the risk of contagion,” adding that “the risk of contagion exists until additional research is conducted,” to which they said they advised domestic animals not to Access to areas where marine animal carcasses were found.

What are the chances of bird flu spreading to humans?

In an interview with Telenoche, infectious disease expert Roberto Debbag (MN60,253) assured that “transmission to humans is extremely rare”, emphasizing that around 5,000 outbreaks have been recorded worldwide, with only 10 human infections.

Moreover, he added, the only way to contract the disease is through direct contact with the animal’s feces or the dead body itself, so the people most at risk of getting sick are those who get the swabs tested and processed. with the corpse.

Epidemiologists reassure the public and reveal that “there is no risk of a bird flu pandemic”.

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