They confirm Group A Streptococcus is responsible for increased cases of pharyngitis

Newest national epidemiological bulletin Depend on ministry of health Confirmed growth 281% Streptococcus pyogenesIt is the most common cause of acute pharyngitis and some skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, and scarlet fever.

So far this year, 118 cases of invasive infections caused by it have been confirmed nationwide.

What are the symptoms of pharyngitis?

Professionals pointed out that the symptoms of pharyngitis include sore throat, fever, headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, redness of the pharynx and tonsils, bad breath, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?

Meanwhile, with scarlet fever, the most common symptoms are sore throat, redness, fever (38.3°C or higher), a red rash with a sandpaper texture, dark red skin in the folds of the armpits, elbows, and groin; rash on the tongue or back of the throat White moss, “raspberry” tongue, headache, nausea or vomiting, swollen glands, body aches. “Scarlet fever is the only rash that requires antibiotic treatment,” Dr. Avancini clarified.

In addition, it states that “in terms of the age of confirmed cases in 2023, the minimum age is 0 years old, the maximum age is 83 years old, and the median age is 16 years old. Of the total number of confirmed cases, 43.2% are under 10 years old” “.

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