They found that persistent colds also exist

In 2020, some Covid-19 patients were seen facing a longer than usual course of illness.These people are diagnosed with “ongoing,” “long-term,” or “permanent” coronavirus because symptoms persist months (at least three).

One study suggests the same thing happens with colds.If you develop symptoms of this disease more than four weeks after your initial infection and it is confirmed that it is not Covid-19, you will have persistent cold. Cough, diarrhea, or stomach pain are some of the symptoms of this illness, which many people call the “uncured cold.”

The discovery was made by a team of researchers from Queen Mary University of London (UK).The study and its conclusions were published in electronic clinical medicine of lancetnoted that although disease severity appears to be related to key risk factors As for long-term symptoms, more research is being done to determine why some people develop long-term symptoms and others don’t.

findings suggest that non-Covid-19 acute respiratory infections (such as colds, flu or pneumonia) may have lasting health effects that are currently unrecognized. However, researchers don’t yet have evidence that these symptoms are of the same severity or duration as the coronavirus.

The research was conducted by Butts Charity, compared the prevalence and severity of long-term symptoms after an episode of Covid-19 with that after an episode of another acute respiratory infection who tested negative for Covid-19. People who have recovered from Covid-19 are more likely to experience dizziness or lightheadedness and problems with their sense of taste and smell than people who have had a respiratory infection unrelated to Covid-19.

While long-COVID is now a recognized condition, few studies compare long term symptoms After infection with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and other respiratory infections.

The study is the latest results from COVIDENCE UK, the national COVID-19 study at Queen Mary University of London, which launched in 2020 and is still being followed with more than 19,000 participants enrolled.The study analyzed data from 10,171 UK adults, collecting answers through questionnaires and statistical analysis to determine symptom group.

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London and lead author of the study, Dr. Julia Vivaldipointed out that their findings not only revealed the impact of long-term new coronavirus on people’s lives, but also revealed the impact of other respiratory infections. “A lack of awareness, and even a lack of common terminology, hinders the reporting and diagnosis of these conditions,” he said.

As long-term studies of the coronavirus continue, researchers say the opportunity should be used to investigate and consider long lasting effects Other acute respiratory infections. “These ‘long-term’ infections are very difficult to diagnose and treat, mainly due to the lack of diagnostic tests and the large number of possible symptoms. Just over 200 Covid-19 cases have been investigated for a long time,” he said.

On the other hand, teachers Adrian MartinoLead researcher on the UK’s coronavirus outbreak and clinical professor of respiratory infection and immunity at Queen Mary University of London, said their “further findings may resonate with the experience of people who struggle with symptoms for a long time after a respiratory infection, despite testing negative for COVID-19” .”

Continued research into the long-term effects of Covid-19 and other acute respiratory infections is important as it may help get to the root of the symptoms some people experience longer Something else. Ultimately, this can help determine the most appropriate form of treatment and care for affected individuals.

“These findings highlight the long-term symptoms that people experience not only after being infected with COVID-19, but also after other acute respiratory infections. As we learn more about COVID-19 infection, long term symptoms Victoria King, Director of Funding and Impact at Butts Charities, concluded: “By understanding COVID-19 and its possible treatments, research like this helps raise awareness of other long-term respiratory infections that may otherwise be overlooked.”

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