They leaked details of Cristiano Ronaldo and Argentinian Georgina Rodriguez’s prenuptial agreement

Footballer Cristiano Ronaldo and Argentinian Georgina Rodriguez have wedding plans caused a stir in the international media because ahead of the event, They decided to sign a prenuptial agreement This will affect economic issues.

Despite rumors they were facing a crisis following the death of one of their twins during their last pregnancy, they are confident they are on the mend and planning a wedding.According to a Portuguese magazine program listthey will take “some precautions.”

Georgina Rodriguez girlfriend Cristiano Ronaldo

This legally binding contract will specify the financial assets corresponding to the five children they have together. Apart from, They reached an agreement and the property remained in the Argentinian woman’s name.

Likewise, Georgina will receive a monthly and lifetime pension of €100,000, equivalent to $107,000, but this could change as soon as the couple has more children.

Cristiano Ronaldo is furious at Juventus, launching multi-million lawsuit

Portuguese cristiano ronaldo He returned to club level action in a Saudi League away match against Al Raad.But the Portuguese striker He is determined to get justice as he will launch a lawsuit against his former club Juventus.

cristiano ronaldo

Portuguese star Legal action to be taken against Italian team to recover Euro Millionaire figures owed to Turin entity “In terms of wages during the Covid-19 pandemic,” according to Italian media.

former real madrid Want to recover 20 million euros According to a detailed report by Gazzetta dello Sport, he was supposed to receive the money during the 2020-2021 season, but his salary was not paid by the Lady Vecchia leadership.

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