They left 15,000 minors unprotected; lack of BCG biologics in Coahuila – Zócalo Newspaper

Saltillo, Koch- thousands of doses BCG vaccine in Coahuila behind schedule In the past two months, the Federation has not sent biological creatures, resulting in a large number of newborns being left unprotected.

we are waiting National Center for Child and Adolescent Health, Through Insabi, send us the vaccine so that we can continue the basic program for newborns,” he explained. Marco Antonio Ruiz Pradis, Director of Preventive Medicine, Ministry of Health.

The two-month vaccination period has not come yet, and they send us to vaccinate the children who are expected to be born in those two months, about 10,000 to 15,000 children across the state,” he added.

BCG vaccination is usually given within the first few months of life Helps protect newborns from serious diseases like meningitis and tuberculosiswhich may result in death.

vaccine shortage It also extends to biologics for hepatitis B, Dosages not in stock at the clinic Ministry of Health or IMSS in Coahuila.

When the vaccine arrives, the program is updated in children 2, 4, 6 months or 1 year old, and even up to 14 years old,” says Ruiz Pradis.

As far as BCG is concerned, it can prevent neonatal meningeal tuberculosis or disseminated biliary tuberculosis; as far as hepatitis B is concerned, in addition to hepatitis B, there are vaccines that can protect them, prevent liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B, and prevent liver cancer in the future, so having these vaccines is very important to continue protecting our children,” said the director of preventive medicine.

Ruiz Pradis said they hoped to Regularized supply of BCG and hepatitis B vaccines.

According to the federation, the reason for the underdosing was Logistical issues for laboratories and suppliers They’re already hired.

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