They meet to improve healthcare in Guerrero

Writing/Guerrero Quartet

Chilpancingo, Gro State, August 17, 2023. – In order to strengthen the strategy to improve health services in Guerrero, State Health Secretary Aidé Ibarez Castro participated in a meeting between the State Health Sector Interagency Command (COISS) and National Health Sector Interagency Command (CEISS).

According to an announcement, Ibarez Castro emphasized that the mission of the session is to work together to identify areas of opportunity to improve the The result of the health strategies and programs implemented by the state of Guerrero, it has been working towards better medical services and quality care for the people of Guerrero.

Its objective is to implement inter-agency actions to share improvement projects, recommendations, coordination or resources to focus on the health priorities of the state of Guerrero as well as antimicrobial resistance, healthcare-associated infections, maternal and perinatal deaths, AIDS Issues such as virus/AIDS, hepatitis C, health regulations, health regulations, hospital stays, and mental health and addiction issues.

At the meeting, they were appointed CEISS members, and Secretary Aidé Ibarez called for optimizing resources and taking steps to create a fully functioning health system for the lives of the people of Guerrero.

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