They organized the first health fair of the UJED University Center Grupo Milenio

To promote the physical and mental health and wellness of the university community, Faculty of Engineering, Science and Architecture (FICA), Faculty of Chemical Sciences (FCQ), Faculty of Biological Sciences (FCB) and Faculty of Languages ​​(ELE) They got together and made the first University Center Health Fair.

J.Org Saenz Mata, Director of FCB kicked off the event with a message to the university community across the four departments about importance Physical and mental health care to ensure optimal academic and personal performance for the young people and administrative staff present.

Ofelia Ortiz, FICA Health Module Leadercommented that this fair is held every six months at the faculty level, however, this is The first year of integration of four fields Do the same things in order to do better things coexist Promote the importance of physical and mental health widely within the university community.

Students attending a health fair. (Cara Rodriguez)

Students from the four departments can find Position Check blood sugar and blood pressure levels, flu, hepatitis B and tetanus vaccinations, oral hygiene exams, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) classes and rapid testing for hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

they also have seminar This helped tie the actions students took at this expo into topics such as breast exams, the importance of pap smears, oral hygiene, and the psychological aspects of self-esteem.

Ortiz believes it is crucial to instill these nursing actionbecause that’s good health, both physically and mentally. “With this, as they age, they will have better health conditions This way we can prevent the increase in diabetes and hypertension in the future,” he concluded.

This is the first joint expo, but these prevention and wellness modules are available each semester for students, academics, administrators and families.

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