They rule out bird flu in Laguna – El Sol de Durango

Gómez Palacio, Durango (OEM). – Saúl Vargas Martínez, head of the Lagunela regional representative office of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER), acknowledged that monitoring of possible cases of avian influenza continues and confirmed that in Lagunela No cases have been reported yet.

The official said that according to information provided by the federal Ministry of Agriculture, avian influenza viruses have been found in Mexican birds in the state of Mexico, but so far, no avian influenza viruses have been found. There are no cases in La Laguna.

“This virus occurred last year in the state of Sonora and was detected in the state of Mexico, and the National Service for Agricultural Food Health, Safety and Quality (SENASICA) is obliged to monitor the presence of this virus worldwide. 1 A highly contagious African swine fever epidemic; “There is surveillance to monitor everything,” he added.

He acknowledged that the possibility exists, but it has not yet exploded; there are currently 195 farms in the Durango Laguna region, more than 60 percent of which belong to the region.

Drought and water shortages create complex situations

The official also emphasized that despite the situation in rural areas, the Mexican government has provided important support, and above all it recognizes that it will never be enough, making the severe drought experienced so far this year a serious problem. Reality, last year.

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