Things Forbidden by Psychologist Ferran Torres

with his companions, Ferran Torres It’s sealed this Sunday spanish banknotes arrive Germany European Cup. In the win over Norway, the rating was a “7”. “I didn’t even score, but the team won,” he said of the game.

He remembers last season, My foot is injured in summer This prevented him from “getting up to his level,” so he spent some time “in a slightly weaker, slightly slacker state.”but draw positive conclusions: “It was tough, but today I think it was the best year of my life, I learned a lot and I got more positives than negatives.” All of this helped “build today Phelan”.

How things have changed: “Now I focus on the things I can control, the things that are up to me, so I don’t blame myself for anything,” he explains.he mental work Crucial for recovery: “Regaining confidence costs more than getting injured. We are the center of media attention from an early age. Putting yourself in the hands of professionals is not a bad thing, but something that increasingly needs to be naturalized.” He Places great value on his family and circle of friends: “I believe in myself and I’m so grateful for the circle I have”. As part of his treatment, they advised him not to read anything about him and his game on social media or in the media. “You read a hundred good books, read one bad book, and keep the bad books.” “For my well-being, I blocked all media. Because I don’t care what they say about me,” he commented.

After going through all this, he tattooed this motto on his back: “You try, you make mistakes, and you get up again.”.

There is one clown character, which he demonstrated in the final part of the interview. In the locker room, focus and travel. It is not recommended to sit next to him on the plane: “Did you hear that noise? “Isn’t this noise normal? “These are the two questions he tortured his neighbors. The last time he went out with the national team was Morata. He also recounted with interest how he began to develop his career at the lower levels after suffering from mononucleosis. When he returned from illness, he scored both goals: “I thought: ‘I need mononucleosis every year.'”

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