This is an exhibition of Sharon Stone where she shows off her incredible works of art

Sharon Stone’s experience as an actress spans over 40 years in her roles, but now we can start talking about her as an artist. We’ve been waiting for a while I’m looking forward to the painting thanks to the photos she shared with me, posing between the lines at home, on her Instagram profile, Now let’s confirm that for her, pins are more than just that. hobbies. So, we could find out by knowing that the Parker Gallery in Greenwich (Connecticut, USA) is about to open an exhibition that will feature some works created by the United States.

Welcome to my garden This low-key title contains a collection of 19 paintings in which Sharon Stone expresses some of her concerns. that are tied to real society, such as the environment or gender desires, as well as other interests and personal experiences she has had in her life, such as going to Jerusalem or returning home to a friend who was lost to a toddler. Stone’s works describe situations, but above all, they inspire the emotions that arise as the fruits of those lives: anger, sadness or happiness embodied in a story.

In this journey through the actress’s inner world, open to the public until next December 3rd, PLet’s get to know one of the passions that has always accompanied her since she was a little girl and began to draw under the influence of her family.before briefly going to Edinboro University in his native Pennsylvania to study art. A passion that required a professional approach to modeling and interpretation, but at the same time he never gave up his free words.

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