This is how “white lung pneumonia” spread, causing panic in the United States.

Microplasmic pneumonia, also known as “white lung pneumonia,” is caused by bacteria that are spread through droplets when a person coughs or sneezes.

Bacteria can stay in the nose and throat without making people sick. However, if it spreads to the lungs, you may develop pneumonia.

In Ohio, a reported increase in pediatric pneumonia cases has set off alarm bells for health authorities. In Warren County alone, just over 145 cases have been recorded since August, with the average patient age being 8 years old.

Dr. Eduardo Sanchez started seeing more cases like this at his clinic in San Antonio, Texas.

“A lot of hospitals are flooded with people with this infection because in many cases we have to admit them and give them oxygen. “It infects this part of the lung,” he said.

The infection often resembles a chest cold and may include a sore throat, fever, headache, or cough that lasts for weeks or months.

There is no indication that the cases in Denmark or China are related to those in the United States. They asked for calm and urged minors to get all vaccinations, wash their hands frequently and cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.

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