This plant helps fight Helicobacter pylori infection

So Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium that grows in the mucus layer inside the stomach.

This infection often goes unnoticed because in many cases it does not produce symptoms at the beginning of the infection but rather as it progresses. Symptoms are often associated with gastritis, which can cause burning in the abdomen, stomach pain, nausea, loss of appetite, constant burping, bloating, and weight loss.

Helicobacter pylori infection is now the leading cause of gastric cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, this bacterium is differentially linked to two major types of stomach cancer. “Although people infected with Helicobacter pylori have an increased risk of developing non-cardia gastric cancer, their risk of developing cardiac gastric cancer does not increase, but actually decreases.”

To treat this condition, the Tua Saúde portal states that there are medicinal plants that help fight Helicobacter pylori infection, among them congorosa, also known as maitena, cancrosa, espinheira-santa or chuchuwasi. This plant has antioxidant, healing, and gastroprotective properties that help treat stomach ulcers, heartburn, and gastritis. Some studies suggest that because of cogorose’s antibacterial effects, it helps fight infections by Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that can cause stomach lesions and ulcers.

The Tua Saude portal reveals other health benefits of congorosa:

  • Improves stomach problems: Rich in tannins, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective effects, helping to treat gastric ulcers, heartburn, indigestion or stomach pain. Additionally, several studies on laboratory rats have shown that this medicinal silver acts similarly to cimetidine, a drug that reduces stomach acid production.
  • Helps skin heal: This plant has analgesic and healing properties when used on the skin, helping to treat eczema or acne.
  • Helps treat cancer: Some studies on lung, breast, and liver cells show that congoose can reduce the proliferation of cancer cells because they contain the triterpene Pritimerine. However, more research is needed to prove its effectiveness.
  • Prevents Fluid Retention: Cogrorose has diuretic properties, which eliminates fluid retention in the body. Additionally, it is an ideal plant for treating urinary tract infections as it helps keep the urethra clean.

How to use congorosa?

This plant has many uses, so Tua Saude explains how to make tea from it.

raw material:

  • 1 tablespoon dried Kongorosa leaves.
  • 1 cup boiling water.


  • Place the congorosa leaves in a cup of boiling water and bring to a boil.
  • It should be left to stand for 10 minutes, then strained and left to stand again for later consumption.
  • It is recommended to drink this tea 3 times a day on an empty stomach or 30 minutes before meals.

Congorosa can also be taken in capsules and should be taken whole with a glass of water. Tua Saúde recommends “taking 2 380 mg congorosa capsules 3 times daily, every 8 hours, before a main meal.”

Likewise, this plant can be used in hot compresses to fight skin infections.

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