This Superfood Can Make You Lose Weight With Just Four Tablespoons

This Superfood Can Make You Lose Weight With Just Four TablespoonsSD

There are many tricks to slim down Soon they will be great allies If you want to lose weight in a short time. The key to losing weight is not what you eat, but how much food you eat. Nutritionists assure you that all natural foods, that is, unprocessed foods, are good for your health. reason? Another food that goes through a different industrial process will lose most of its natural qualities. Plus, they’re often added with products like sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives, not to mention fatty substances that provide you with hard-to-burn calories.


well known and famous mediterranean diet You can’t live without this food known as healthy liquid gold. It is an ingredient present in countless dishes and preparations, so it is convenient not to abuse it, lest it have adverse effects that deprive us of its extraordinary qualities. What food are we talking about?

he extra virgin olive oil Extra has several properties that make it an essential food, and it contains high amounts of antioxidants, which make it essential for a healthy diet and disease prevention. Balanced diet Always works best when it comes to weight loss A more or less miraculous cure than other types. Many of these will allow you to lose a lot of kilos suddenly and then regain them in a short period of time.this is what i know Known as the dreaded “rebound effect”. Four teaspoons smartly season rich salads or pair with healthy products to help you lose weight, like fresh cheese.

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best products you can consume because of its nutritional properties.

The point is that those calories are being fully utilized. There is no doubt that if you use these spoons to prepare a hearty and nutritious breakfast, it will be much more beneficial than eating a sweet breakfast with high calories and low nutritional value, which will only make you fat and add empty calories to your body. diet. Also, this way you won’t be so hungry and “pecking” in the morning. Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best products you can consume due to its nutritional properties, But you have to do it in a controlled way. For example, just four tablespoons provide 360 ​​calories per day.


It is a highly regarded product in the gourmet world, mainly for its mild taste and also Extra Virgin Olive Oil Has Several Benefits. As a result, the food has attracted interest and continues to be used for a variety of purposes. That said, in addition to being an ingredient in many recipes, it’s also used in cosmetics. For example, the production of soaps, styling creams, moisturizing shampoos and body washes.

Extra virgin olive oil is called extra virgin because no other products are added to it, that is, it contains no coloring or preservatives that would alter its flavour, character or purity.Although It is almost 100% fat, which are monounsaturated and unsaturated fats, so they are not harmful to health and do not raise cholesterol. On the other hand, it contains omega 3 fatty acids that the body cannot produce, as well as polyphenols and vitamin E; there is also a compound called oleocanthal, which is only found in extra virgin olive oil.

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