Timothée Chalamet and Adam Sandler play basketball together in New York

Two extraordinary fellows have been spotted in New York: Adam Sandler and Timothée Chalamet playing basketball in the street.

Timothée Chalamet and Adam Sandler play basketball together in New York

Timothée Chalamet and Adam Sandler teammates in a basketball match. Apart from being co-workers, both the actors are also very good friends and these days they were seen busy playing a game on a basketball court in New York.

Dressed in gray shirts and shorts, Chalamet and Sandler played with other people and their presence did not go unnoticed. The friendship between the two Hollywood stars dates back a decade, when they starred together in Men, Women & Children, directed by Jason Reitman, which tells the story of a group of high school teens and their parents who try to discover the impact of the web on their personal lives.

A few years ago Chalamet publicly praised Sandler’s performance in Diamonds in the Rough:“Adam Sandler delivers a truly stellar performance at the opposite end of Paul Thomas Anderson’s Drunk in Love”,

Timothée Chalamet will play Willy Wonka in Paul King’s next film, which tells the story of Roald Dahl’s character’s youth made famous in The Chocolate Factory and played by Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp in the past.

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