Tips and FAQs about the flu

The Navarra Institute of Public and Occupational Health has prepared a guide which includes Tips and frequently asked questions about the flu.

  1. What is influenza?
  2. how flu spreads
  3. During what period can the virus spread?
  4. What measures can be taken to avoid contagion?
  5. Wash your hands often!
  6. How to cover yourself?
  7. What are the symptoms of influenza?
  8. Can the flu be serious?
  9. Is there any medicine to treat the flu?
  10. How to Prevent the Flu
  11. When to go to the health center for consultation

What is influenza?

Influenza is an infectious disease that mainly produces respiratory symptoms, is caused by a virus, and spreads very easily.

how flu spreads

Influenza viruses are spread from one person to another through droplets expelled when coughing and sneezing, and can also be spread by touching an object that was previously contaminated with the virus and then touching the nose, mouth, or eyes.

During what period can the virus spread?

The virus is first spread within the first three days after symptoms appear, but can also be spread from one day before to seven days after symptoms appear.

What measures can be taken to avoid contagion?

To prevent the spread of the virus, be sure to follow these tips:

Wash your hands often!

(Clean with soap and water or alcohol solution), especially after direct contact with a sick person or their environment.


Influenza viruses are spread through saliva and nasal secretions when coughing or sneezing.

Water droplets can remain on hands or surfaces (furniture, knobs, objects…), so in addition to washing hands, it is also important to avoid sharing glasses, cutlery, bottles, etc. And clean these surfaces more frequently using your usual cleaning products.


Before and after: touching eyes, nose or mouth, caring for sick people, eating, going to the toilet, changing diapers, etc.

Afterward: coughing or sneezing, taking public transportation, returning from the street, touching objects, etc.

If you don’t have a place to clean them, end up using alcohol-based wipes.

Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.


Influenza viruses are spread from person to person through droplets we exhale when we talk, cough and sneeze. Water droplets may remain on your hands; this is why we must also avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth.

How to cover yourself?

Bend your elbows and cover your mouth and nose. Use disposable paper towels and throw them away after use.

Stay at home: If you have the flu, avoid crowded places and stay home!


to avoid infecting others


The flu course lasts approximately 7 days, so it is recommended to stay home during this period to ensure that you do not infect others.

If you do not have the flu: Avoid contact with sick people.

Sleep well, maintain a healthy diet, drink water, maintain an active life, avoid alcoholic beverages and tobacco.


A healthy life allows us to face diseases in optimal health.

What are the symptoms of influenza?

Flu symptoms appear suddenly with high fever, muscle pain, headache, and general malaise.

Cough, sore throat, mucus and watery eyes, and in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea. They are usually mild and disappear without complications within 7-10 days.

Can the flu be serious?

In general, complications from the flu are relatively low, but people with chronic medical conditions, those who are immunocompromised, or pregnant women are more likely to develop complications.

Is there any medicine to treat the flu?

Flu can be treated with medication to relieve symptoms: fever, muscle aches…

The flu is caused by a virus, so antibiotics are not needed. They are useful only in case of bacterial complications and always under a doctor’s prescription.

How to Prevent the Flu

Although there is no way to completely prevent it, it is useful to have good defenses to live as healthy a life as possible:

  • healthy diet
  • daily physical exercise

Flu vaccination

  • This is the main preventive measure against the disease
  • The most effective way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated.As the virus changes, it is necessary Get vaccinated every year.
  • In about 80% of cases, the vaccine prevents illness caused by the virus contained in the vaccine.
  • Flu vaccine No Can cause influenza.

When to go to the health center for consultation

  • if it affects more vulnerable people
  • If respiratory distress worsens
  • If the fever persists for more than 4 days, is higher than 39 degrees Celsius, or reappears after 24 hours without fever
  • If you have earache or discharge, rash, or persistent vomiting

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