Tips for giving “buttonazo” on National Day

Nogales, son

The National Day is the beginning of the carnival season and the food season. Some people suffer from gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, nutrition experts recommend preventing gastric problems caused by overeating.

Some mistakes made while eating can have an impact on a person’s health. This happens more easily during the holidays because we usually eat a little bit of everything.

“One of the main mistakes made when eating pozole or Menudo dishes is the side dishes. To prevent this, you must understand that the main ingredient of these meals is corn and there is usually bread, cornflakes or tortilla chips as a side dish. Toast , they’re made from the same stuff,” explains nutritionist Gabriel Paredes.

When we eat a lot of Mexican snacks, it can be helpful to measure the amount of food we eat during the day. If we know the party will be in the evening, we can eat healthy during the day to compensate for dinner.

“If it’s dinner, you can start the day with a typical breakfast, for example, scrambled eggs and some veggies, and you should try to just eat it with a fork so you don’t have excess food at dinner. Carbohydrates, at lunch We could choose grilled brisket, a little bit of fish, or why not have a salad, and for dinner I would have everything for the day, and I would make it up with corn, with bread, and everything I would eat, and all the parts of the day ,” he explained.

In addition to gastritis, colitis and everything else that can be caused by what we eat at Mexican fiesta, we cannot ignore hangovers, and to avoid them it is important to drink water and eat a vitamin-rich breakfast during the fiesta. protein..

“The main thing is we have to understand that a hangover is dehydration, we’re making our filters work too hard, in this case the kidneys, and if we’re having two or more beers, what can help us the next day is to eat something Stuff “How could they be eggs? The truth is, birria head tacos do help because of the protein in the meat,” he concluded.

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