Tips for making tlalpeño broth sophisticated and perfect for cold weather

written in lifestyle he

We’ve already told you the secret to delicious pot mole, now we offer you a new recipe for cooking it.

The tips we are going to write below are perfect so The tlalpeño broth is delicious and perfect for the cold weather, just like Monday, October 16th.

It’s mid-autumn now and some areas of the Mexican Republic are already feeling the arrival of a cold front…and things get worse in months like December and January.

Therefore, you can prepare yourself with vitamins, supplements and a range of dishes to prepare during the colder months.

How to make tlalpeño broth more delicious?

Below we will share a very effective recipe so that you can surprise your guests at the same table and have a delicious meal yourself.

  • First, you have to cook a chicken breast that has been pre-cut in half and defatted. The ideal is to leave the skin on but remove the feathers which are difficult to remove with fire.
  • In the pot in which the meat is cooked you must also put a piece of onion, a clove of garlic and salt to taste. When ready, take it out and place it in a container to cool.
  • Trim any excess fat from the remaining broth in the pot, as well as the onion and garlic slices.
  • In a frying pan put a little oil and the onion cut into large pieces. Also add a clove of garlic sliced ​​and three tomatoes cut into quarters. Fry for a few minutes until everything is cooked through.
  • This mixture should be put in a blender and ground together with a cup of chicken stock obtained previously. You can season with salt and pepper and add oregano.
  • The resulting mixture should be added to the pot with the remaining chicken stock. Then add vegetables, such as a cup of precooked chickpeas, 3/4 carrots cut into small pieces and a sprig of epazote.
  • Cook over low heat for five minutes and add some diced green beans and diced potatoes.
  • Tips for making tlalpeño broth delicious Just add a little bit of a can of chopped jalapenos, so that gives it a spicy kick.
  • After simmering for 5 minutes, you can add the shredded chicken breast. Then wait another 15 minutes or as long as you deem necessary for the vegetables to finish cooking.
  • Finally, you can garnish each plate with avocado slices and cubes of cheese, which will melt from the heat of the broth. You can also add lemon for flavor.

get ready!and Tips we share with you to make your tlalpeño broth exquisite Perfect for a cold day. Do you dare to follow this simple recipe?

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