Tips for picking out intact sweet guavas at the market – teach me the science

Image credit: Satrio Ramadhan, Indonesian Studio.

Don’t know how to choose a ripe, sweet, high-quality guava? This information may be of interest to you.

For many people, choosing fruits and/or vegetables at the local mall or supermarket may be one of the easiest tasks, however, when you are just starting out, there is a good chance that people don’t know what they are supposed to do. Make sure the produce you take home is in good condition, ripe and, if it’s fruit, sweet.

Fortunately for everyone, however, every fruit and vegetable we eat has very specific characteristics that tell us exactly their condition and ripeness. So just understand and remember what to consider when choosing each product so you can take home the best, most delicious product.

To help you solve this problem, today in this article we will tell you what characteristics indicate that a guava is in perfect condition and at a good level of ripeness, with a perfect sweetness. So if you’re wondering what you should consider, we invite you to read on, as we’ll tell you all the details below.

Image credit: AnVyChicago via Getty Images.
Tips for picking out intact sweet guavas at the market

So that you know what indicates the fruit is in perfect condition the next time you choose a guava, we recommend you use your senses and do the following:

observe its color

When choosing a guava, first observe its color. If the surface appears light yellow or light green, it is likely that its ripeness is not at its best.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to look for fruits that have an intense, bright yellow color, which indicates that they have reached the necessary ripeness and good sweetness.

avoid damage

On the other hand, in addition to color, it is also important to observe the condition of the surface of these fruits. In this way, if you find that some guavas have bruises or some kind of obvious damage, it is best not to pick them or choose other fruits, as this is a sign that they are overcooked, may not taste good, or are not suitable for consumption. The service life is very short.


Once you’ve assessed the color and condition of the surface, it’s important to feel the fruit. To do this, you need to press lightly on their surface with your fingertips. If when doing this you find that the guava is hard, it is best not to eat it as this is a sign that the guava is not yet ripe and not suitable for consumption.

On the other hand, if it is too soft, it is not recommended to carry it as this indicates that the guava may have gone bad and has a short lifespan. This way, the best case scenario is that the fruit will be slightly indented when you press it with your fingertips, indicating that it is at a good stage of ripeness and has excellent flavor.

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