Tips to avoid aggravating sinusitis: avoid allergens, toxins and places with smoke – Tenerife

Dr. Alicia Perez, Otolaryngologist, Quirónsalud Hospital, Tenerifeit is recommended that in order not to aggravate sinusitis symptoms, One of the most common ailments when fall arrives, avoid allergens, toxins, and places with smoke.

Sinusitis is paranasal sinus inflammation Acute bacterial superinfection arises from the catarrhal process and is almost always accompanied by rhinitis, hence the name sinusitis. As Dr. Perez explains, “When the condition lasts for less than three months, it is classified as acute; when it lasts for more than three months, it is classified as chronic.”

between him The most common symptoms, According to the Quirónsalud specialist in Tenerife, “the main ones are nasal congestion, blockage or blockage and nasal discharge. In addition, patients may experience other symptoms such as pain, facial pressure, partial or total loss of smell and the perception of an unpleasant odor or foul odor. .”

for you for treatment The otolaryngologist from Quirónsalud Tenerife recommends “taking a detailed history of the patient and performing an examination to diagnose sinusitis, and then investigate the possible causes and initiate appropriate treatment. If despite this, the patient does not improve, possible surgical treatment should be considered.” “

Surgical treatment of sinusitis in Tenerife

Recommended by Dr. Perez sinus endoscopy As one of the most effective techniques for treating sinusitis. The technology uses the patient’s nasal passages to perform minimally invasive surgery without the need for incisions. Among its many advantages, experts highlight faster recovery and scarlessness.

QuillHealth status in the Canary Islands

QuillWith 3 hospitals and 9 medical centers in Tenerife, ónsalud is a leading group in private healthcare, putting people at the heart of its business.

Quirónsalud currently has three hospitals in the Canary Islands, located in Tenerife, Costa Adeje and La Orotava. In addition, Quirónsalud has 9 medical centers in different areas of the island, such as Tenerife, Candelaria, Los Cristianos, La Laguna, Realejos, Icode, Puerto de la Cruz , Santa Ursula and Teguina Medical Center.

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