Surely you have suffered from uncomfortable cystitis or urine infection more than once, especially in summer.this condition Accompanied by a series of symptoms such as pain and itching when urinating, except for a feeling of general discomfort. We spoke to a gynecologist to learn more about cystitis and how to effectively prevent it.

What is cystitis?

The famous cystitis can derail our summer plans or disrupt our lives at any time of the year.This is a urinary tract disorder that causes Bladder inflammation.we must distinguish There are two types of cystitis: One is bacterial, which is the infection itself, and the other is nonbacterial, which involves the discomfort usually associated with injury to the area.

The most common symptoms of cystitis are Burning, stinging, discomfort, or even pain when you urinate. It is as if there is a feeling of incomplete emptying after urinating. This means you have to urinate repeatedly, even if you have just gone to the bathroom, and when you urinate, there is a lot of burning with very little urine. If you’ve been there, this scene sure sounds familiar.

Other more serious symptoms may include blood in urine, persistent nausea, nausea, fatigue Or the urine is dark and smells bad. An unappetizing situation to suffer while on vacation. Let’s see what causes this discomfort.

cause of this

Knowing what causes cystitis is the first step in effectively fighting it.according to Dr. Marta Sánchez-Dehesa, renowned obstetrician and gynecologist“Bacterial cystitis occurs when the wrong bacteria enter the body through the urethra. Once they’re in, if left untreated, they can travel down the urethra to the bladder and even to the kidneys.” He adds, “Many times, This is caused by harmful bacteria entering the urethra from the skin or around the anus. Improper cleansing and sexual practices increase the risk of this happening.”

So what causes so-called nonbacterial cystitis? gynecologist confirmednonbacterial cystitis Or noninfectious usually caused by bruising or irritation of the urethra. This can often be due to friction during sex or sports such as cycling and horseback riding,” he added, “Other causes of non-infectious cystitis can include chemicals in soaps and bath products and chlorine in swimming pools. “

With these apparent differences, we design The perfect plan for avoiding cystitis in summer With the help of experts.

How to prevent cystitis in summer

it’s the season of the year increased risk of cystitis The hours we spend soaking in water in our bathing suits. How can we avoid this disease?

  • Drink water: Proper water intake can help eliminate bacteria in your urine and keep your body hydrated. Makes you urinate more often, which cleans the urethra. Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters per day.
  • sexual intercourse: Postcoital urination is a very effective strategy for eliminating bacteria that may have leaked into the urethra.
  • Proper Hygiene: Proper intimate hygiene is essential to prevent cystitis. Dr. Sánchez-Dehesa does not recommend flavored soaps or lubricants because they can irritate the urethra. “In summer you have to be more careful and proper hygiene of intimate parts is advised. No Use the same soap or gel that you use for your body.”
  • change swimsuit: After bathing in the pool or sea water, the bikini or swimsuit must be changed to a dry swimsuit to prevent the bacteria that cause cystitis from multiplying. Always carry a dry swimsuit or two in your beach tote or pool bag.

After sex, experts recommend urinating to eliminate possible bacteria. (pixels)


  • Cotton clothes: Avoid clothing that is too tight and choose cotton that is breathable and moisture-resistant.
  • Go to the bathroom regularly: When you have to go to the bathroom, don’t hesitate to go, but most importantly, don’t go more than three hours between bathroom visits, as microbes tend to grow in the urine that remains in your bladder. long time.
  • Balanced diet: Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber to help regulate your digestive tract, thus avoiding constipation and avoiding constipation. Remove bacteria from the body. Red tillage will be a good ally in the fight against UTIs.

this holiday keep away from cystitis With these expert advice. happy summer!