Tips to protect your eyesight from excessive cell phone use

The digital world has swallowed us whole. Whether in a work environment or in our free time, we spend so much time in front of screens that breaking away from them becomes difficult.continue to use cell phone, computer and tablet Increased exposure to these devices increases the risk of vision problems.Not because of the use of these screens themselves; excess working hours We use our close vision to stay in front of them.

this overexposureJavier Sanz, an ophthalmologist at Madrid’s Clínica Baviera clinic, points out that myopia is associated with an increased prevalence of myopia, especially among young people and children.According to a study carried out last year by IAB Spain, we spend a lot of money in Spain Spend an average of 3 hours and 23 minutes in front of a mobile phone screen every day. We should also add the time many of us spend in front of computers.

In addition to the usage time, is there an expiry date? rest or the intensity of the light from the device itself, in fact objects close to the eyes (such as mobile phones or tablets) force us Sustained visual effort. This value is lower when the thing we see is at a medium distance (like a computer) or far away (like a television).

«Most of the damage we do to our eyes in front of screens is due to We blink less than necessary», explains Sands. This happens not only on screens, but often when we perform tasks that require a high level of concentration. «And overuse of near vision can lead to eye strain; headaches or migraines; eye redness and dry eyes; and decreased vision,” the ophthalmologists note.

When we are in complete darkness, these inconvenient They become more prominent due to the higher intensity and brightness of light that the screen transmits to us. Additionally, Sanz recalls, “In dark conditions, pupils dilate, forcing our visual systems to make extra accommodation efforts, which can lead to more severe fatigue symptoms.” So, ideally, this isn’t the only thing we Instead of the light source, the room we are in has ambient light.

How to protect yourself from screen injuries

As Javier Sanz mentioned, overexposure to screens means the eyes have to work extra hard to adjust and blink less often, “The way to prevent it is to 20-20-20 rule“Every 20 minutes stop for 20 seconds and look 20 feet (6 meters) away.” Relief can also be found by using artificial tears to cool your eyes.

On the other hand, it affects Office lighting. In most workplaces, natural light is difficult to come by, and extensive use of fluorescent lights, even white ones, can cause greater visual fatigue. also, artificial light Reflections are created on the screen, which can also cause eye strain. In this sense, it is important to place the computer screen where possible where it will not be subject to light reflections or to use blinds to reduce light reflections. However, it is also not advisable to stand directly in front of a light source, as this is harmful to vision.

«Other tips Prevent vision problems Take regular breaks during the workday; place your computer screen approximately 50 cm from height and at a 45-degree angle to the height, 30 cm from your phone and 40 cm from your tablet; get enough rest or manage stress and anxiety by getting enough sleep . Additionally, it is recommended that glasses rather than contact lenses be used in the office whenever possible and as an option. ” explained the ophthalmologist.

Turn screen brightness to maximum; ventilate your gaming or work space; other tips from professionals include controlling the intensity and temperature of air conditioners and heaters, as well as monitoring ambient humidity and getting regular eye exams.

this visual fatigue Was it increased because of the screen or did it start earlier? “The incidence of eye strain is increasing, but not because of screen use, but because of the aging of the population itself,” Sanz said. This is a vision defect caused by the loss of elasticity of the lens that occurs gradually starting around age 40 or 45 and lasting for about 10 years.

this loss elasticity It can also cause the lens to lose focus.The ophthalmologist explained that this lack of focus It does not happen suddenly, but gradually, first it is difficult to focus on the objects closest to us, so the objects need to be moved further away, but after a few years the ability to focus is completely lost, requiring constant use of the lens. Close glasses Ability to perform daily activities requiring near vision. “Subsequently, the lens also loses its ability to compensate for old refractive defects (myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism), and distance vision worsens,” he said.

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