Today’s Diary | The attacker who killed the victim during a home invasion was sentenced to a heavy sentence

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Neurologist Professor Dr. Martha Sady Galeano explains that migraine is a disabling disease but has preventive, traditional and innovative treatments. He explained that approximately 15% of the population suffers from migraines, which are more common in women, especially those of childbearing age.

Migraines often begin in childhood, with symptoms of dizziness, discomfort, and nausea and vomiting when traveling in a bus or car, professionals say. “This is what we in neurology call a migraine equivalent, which means the child may have migraines and by adolescence, the motion sickness (dizziness) will disappear. There is a group of people who do not suffer from migraines very often.“, explain.

Professor Dr. Galeano emphasized Migraine is one of the 20 most disabling diseases in the world because it’s not just headaches that cause people to miss work., but produces severe pain on the left and right sides of the head, a throbbing pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. These symptoms occur because the patient cannot tolerate light, noise, and strong odors, so the patient must stay in poorly lit areas and self-isolate to combat the pain.

between Strong odors often refer to food products, such as dairy products, Especially cheddar, gouda and swiss cheese. In addition, citrus fruits, chocolate, misuse of coffee, Coca-Cola, alcoholic beverages, and the use of some sweeteners containing aspartame or notrasut. Other triggers include menstrual periods, ovulation, stress, some common medications (such as antidepressants), and sudden exercise.

Generally, people who are about to experience a headache will feel very euphoric or start to feel listless in the days leading up to the headache. Likewise, the patient often has associated discomfort with the onset of headache, so she takes precautions and uses analgesics. The Valsalva maneuver, a method of exhaling without letting the air escape from the nose or mouth, can also trigger headaches. This usually happens when you strain to have a bowel movement or when you blow your nose when you have a stuffy nose.

Mitigating factors

Among some of the mitigating factors, he mentioned the cold, in the sense that many people apply ice to the scalp, because in fact, the muscles of the scalp, especially those of the upper back, can have severe allergic reactions. Others squeeze the painful area to temporarily calm it down, sleep and be in a quiet place, and some report that walking relieves the pain.

Strongly urge to see a neurologist

Migraines are also accompanied by other pains, such as some mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, insomnia, etc. Patients with this type of headache often make multiple emergency room visits and end up poisoned by medications such as pain relievers, benzodiazepines, or sleeping pills.

For this reason, professionals are calling on patients suffering from headaches to see a neurologist to determine whether they meet the criteria for preventive treatment. This approach is taken when you have two disabling headaches per month, but in reality, if you don’t take your pain medication at the right time, your migraines can last three to four days.

Treatment is divided into anticonvulsants and/or antidepressants. “Many patients say they feel uncomfortable and then have a headache. Migraine itself is a multi-system disease. It starts with the discomfort of gastric paralysis. Of course, in addition to being accustomed to analgesics, this patient also has gastritis, so it is like this .It is important to follow preventive treatment after miscarriage treatment”, he recommended.

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