Today’s Newspaper | What Vaccines Are Included in Routine Vaccines in 2023

Paraguay has one of the best and most complete vaccination programs in the regionto provide free doses to people across the country to treat more than 20 diseases.

he The country’s regular vaccination schedule takes into account a range of necessary vaccines From an early age, all age groups and conditions are covered: newborns, children, adolescents, adults, elderly, chronically ill, pregnant women and health personnel.

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In this regard, the Ministry of Health encourages Check the Childhood Immunization Bookletand have them update the dosage accordingly.

exist Circumstances in which a child’s notebook is lostAlso, go to a vaccination center. It is important for children to be vaccinated.

These are the vaccines that are given regularly according to age and condition:

*newborn: BCG vaccine: for severe tuberculosis. HEPB Vaccine: Hepatitis B Virus – Pediatrics.

*2 months: Rotavirus vaccine, hexavalent vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated), Haemophilus influenzae type B). 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media.

*4 months: Rotavirus vaccine, hexavalent vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated), Haemophilus influenzae type B). 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media.

*6 months: Hexavalent vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated), Haemophilus influenzae type b).

*12 months: 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media. MMR vaccine: measles, mumps, rubella. AA Vaccine: Yellow Fever.

*15 months: Varicella vaccine: Severe symptoms and complications of chickenpox. Hepatitis A vaccine: serious pictures and complications caused by hepatitis A.

*18 months: Hexavalent vaccines (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio (inactivated), Haemophilus influenzae type b). MMR Vaccine: Measles, Mumps, Rubella MMR Vaccine: Measles, Mumps, Rubella.

*2 years: Seasonal Influenza Vaccines: Serious Conditions and Complications of Influenza.

*4 years: IPV-polio vaccine, diphtheria vaccine: diphtheria, pertussis or pertussis, tetanus.

*5 years: Chickenpox Vaccine.

Teenagers (9 to 14 years old)

*HPV vaccine: Human papillomavirus (women only). Tdpa vaccine: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, or pertussis.

*Adults: Td-tetanus, diphtheria vaccine. SR vaccines: measles, rubella (postpartum women with no vaccination history, travelers). AA Vaccine: Yellow Fever.

*Seniors: 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine: pneumonia, meningitis, otitis. Td Vaccine: Tetanus, Diphtheria. Seasonal flu vaccine, such as severe symptoms and complications of the flu.

*long term illness: Pneumococcal vaccine 23 valente: Pneumonia, meningitis, otitis. Td Vaccine: Tetanus, Diphtheria. Seasonal flu vaccine, such as severe symptoms and complications of the flu.

*pregnant: Tdpa – pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria vaccine. Seasonal Influenza Vaccines: Serious Conditions and Complications of Influenza.

*Health staff: Tdpa – pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria vaccine. Seasonal Influenza Vaccines: Serious Conditions and Complications of Influenza and Hepatitis B.

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