Tom Brady’s mother, Garyn Brady, and her touching story as a breast cancer survivor

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a great time to remember the stories of strength and struggle of survivors of this disease.You can find many cases in the sports world, such as Garlin BradyMother tom bradyHe successfully beat the disease six years ago.

In 2016, at the age of 72, Garin received an unpleasant diagnosis. “I just remember sitting in the doctor’s office and hearing him tell me, you know, ‘You have breast cancer,'” Marshal’s mother recalled in an interview. NFL 360 Two years ago.

When diagnosed, the cancer is in its second stage and is aggressive and growing rapidly. As a result, Galin had to undergo treatment that was far from simple, which prevented her from watching her son play.

However, he didn’t miss a single game via television. “He had chemotherapy at about 10am on Thursday morning and then started playing at 10am on Sunday morning,” Tom told TODAY.

After five months of treatment and surgery, Galynn successfully beat breast cancer and returned to breast cancer on February 5, 2017. NRG Stadium,in super bowl li. On that occasion, new england patriots They defeated their opponents 28-34 atlanta falconsscored 19 points in the last quarter to stage an epic reversal.

It’s a double win for a strong woman like Tom’s mother, who got her own Super Bowl ring, well Robert KraftAs the owner of the Patriots, he knows what this win means. As for Galynn, she’s held up well on recent checkups and despite a high rate of breast cancer recurrence, she’s still free.

“I think he’s had scans every three months and he’s doing really well. It’s been a while since he finished treatment. We always pray and hope they come back clean. So far they’ve recovered, We’re very lucky,” Tom shared in 2018.


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